course information of 103 - 1 | 0017 History of Chinese Literature(中國文學史)

Taught In English0017 - 中國文學史 History of Chinese Literature

教育目標 Course Target

本課程之目的在深入掌握歷代文學資料,研究歷代文學之發展過程,探索其演進規律,評價歷代作家與作品在文學史之地位,並從各種角度尋求未來發展的趨向。中國文學也是中國文化的一部分,與政治、經濟、社會、宗教、歷史、哲學、美學諸人文學科,以及書法、繪畫、舞蹈、音樂等藝術部門息息相關。所以從事中國文學史之研究,不能不和它們互生影響,彼此借鑑。中國文學史不僅促進現代文學的繁榮,也將豐富中國歷史學科之內容,對研究文化、藝術的人,提供重要線索,同時,透過文學遺產的研究,有助於創作家樹立繼往開來的標準,走向正確的創作道路。The purpose of this course is to have an in-depth grasp of the literary materials of the past dynasties, study the development process of literature of the past dynasties, explore its evolution rules, evaluate the status of writers and works of past dynasties in literary history, and seek future development trends from various perspectives. Chinese literature is also a part of Chinese culture and is closely related to politics, economy, society, religion, history, philosophy, aesthetics and other humanities disciplines, as well as calligraphy, painting, dance, music and other art departments. Therefore, when engaging in research on the history of Chinese literature, we must interact with them and learn from each other. The history of Chinese literature will not only promote the prosperity of modern literature, but also enrich the content of the discipline of Chinese history and provide important clues to those who study culture and art. At the same time, through the study of literary heritage, it will help creators establish standards for carrying forward the past and forging ahead into the future. The right creative path.

課程概述 Course Description

中國文學史主要是研究從上古商周以來到二十世紀為止約三千年左右中國歷代文學作品發展演變的歷史過程、特點與規律。 文學史簡單的說就是文學的歷史,它的性質既是文學的,又是歷史的;研究時要具體掌握文學與歷史二個要素。研究主要對象是散文、駢文、詩歌、辭賦、小說、戲劇等各類文學作品的體裁形式、題材內容、藝術想像、表現技巧與語言風格等藝術性,運用的是文學藝術的方法;因為是文學作品發展演變的歷史過程,同時也要運用歷史的方法,依循時間的發展嬗變,既要深刻了解作品的藝術性、不同作家的獨特成就,對於形成文學發達的政治、社會、思想、文化的原因,以及對歷史的影響也要切實理解。換句話說,文學史的研究,是用歷史的方法說明文學藝術作品的真實狀況和發展過程。因為研究對象是文學作品,因此要用美學藝術的方法分析評述作品作家的價值和成就。 中國文學史學習的目的,在理解過去中國文學發展演變的特點和規律,總結經驗與教訓,認清以往的成敗得失,作為今天文學研究、文學創作的借鑒,同時深化現代文學史的研究和文學觀念的基礎。 因此,不能脫離過去歷史的因素、社會文化等各種背景,也不能忽視當代的文學觀念與美學理論,這是研究中國文學史必須把握的基本理念。
The history of Chinese literature mainly studies the historical process, characteristics and laws of the development and evolution of Chinese literary works in the past dynasties for about three thousand years from the ancient Shang and Zhou dynasties to the 20th century. Literary history is simply the history of literature. Its nature is both literary and historical. When doing research, we must specifically grasp the two elements of literature and history. The main objects of research are the genres, subject matter, artistic imagination, expression techniques and language style of various literary works such as prose, parallel prose, poetry, poetry, novels, dramas and other artistic qualities. The methods of literature and art are used; because they are literary works The historical process of development and evolution must also use historical methods and follow the development and evolution of time. It is necessary to have a deep understanding of the artistry of the works, the unique achievements of different writers, and the political, social, ideological, and cultural reasons for the development of literature, as well as The impact on history must also be truly understood. In other words, the study of literary history uses historical methods to explain the true status and development process of literary and artistic works. Because the research object is literary works, aesthetic and artistic methods must be used to analyze and comment on the value and achievements of the writers of the works. The purpose of studying the history of Chinese literature is to understand the characteristics and laws of the development and evolution of Chinese literature in the past, summarize experiences and lessons, and recognize past successes and failures as a reference for today's literary research and literary creation, while at the same time deepening the research and literature on modern literary history. The basis of the concept. Therefore, we cannot be divorced from various backgrounds such as past historical factors and social culture, nor can we ignore contemporary literary concepts and aesthetic theories. This is the basic concept that must be grasped when studying the history of Chinese literature.

參考書目 Reference Books




Essential textbooks:

"History of Chinese Literature" (Part 1 and 2) edited by Yuan Xingpei, Taipei, Wunan Book Company, 2011

Main reference books:

"History of Ancient Chinese Literature" compiled by Ma Jigao and Huang Jun, Taipei, Wanjuanlou Book Company, 1998

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
50 中國傳統文學與史學知識之學習成就為評量重點
final exam
50 中國傳統文學與史學知識之學習成就為評量重點

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[H308]
授課教師 Teacher:李建崑
修課班級 Class:中文系2A
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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