course information of 102 - 02 | 8555 Legal History(法制史)

Taught In English8555 - 法制史 Legal History

教育目標 Course Target

教學目的期望能使學生於本課程中了解到如次事項: 1. 什麼是「法制史」 ? 其意義與重要性。 2. 「法制史」與「法律史」、「制度史」、「刑罰史」、「刑罰制度史」彼此的關連性及其區別為何? 3. 台灣法律史研究的方法。 4. 鑑往知來:在以古為鑑下去省思中西法律文化的衝擊,並進而反省如何使法律文化生根與並探討如何將我國固有法律之精華適用於今日社會 。The teaching purpose is to enable students to understand the following matters in this course: 1. What is "Legal History"? Its significance and importance. 2. What are the correlations and differences between "legal history" and "legal history", "institutional history", "penal history", and "penal system history"? 3. Methods for researching Taiwan’s legal history. 4. Learn from the past and learn from the future: Reflect on the impact of Chinese and Western legal culture by taking the past as a mirror, and then reflect on how to make legal culture take root and explore how to apply the essence of our country's inherent laws to today's society.

課程概述 Course Description

To enable students to understand the significance and importance of legal history and learn from the past - to reflect on the impact of Chinese and Western legal culture by using the past as a mirror, and then reflect on how to make legal culture take root.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.教材: (1) 中國法制史 戴炎輝 著 三民書局出版
(2) 唐律通論 戴炎輝 著 元照書局出版(民國99年1月版)

2.主要參考書: (1)中國法制史概要 陳顧遠 著 三民書局六十六年八月出版
(2)中國法律思想史 楊鴻烈 著 商務印書館六十七年出版
(3)中國法制史 李甲孚 著 聯經出版(民國 77年10初版)
(4)中國法制史 張晉藩 著 五南出版(民國81年9月初版)
(5)中國傳統法制與思想 黃源盛著 五南出版(民國8年10月初版)
(6)中國傳統法律文化 武樹臣等著 北京大學出版(1996年二刷)
(7)台灣法律史研究的方法 李鴻禧等 台灣法律史叢書(2000.6)
(8)宋刑統 竇儀等 著 仁愛書局出版(民國74年10月版)
(9)中國固有法律與西洋現代法律之比較 林�榮 著 中央文物供應社(民國71年8月初版)
1. Textbooks: (1) History of Chinese Legal System, written by Dai Yanhui, published by Sanmin Book Company
(2) General Theory of Tang Law, written by Dai Yanhui, published by Yuanzhao Bookstore (January 1999 edition)

2. Main reference books: (1) Summary of Chinese Legal History, written by Chen Guyuan, published by Sanmin Book Company in August 1966
(2) History of Chinese Legal Thought Written by Yang Honglie Published by The Commercial Press in 1967
(3) History of Chinese Legal System, written by Li Jiafu, Lianjing Publishing House (first edition in October 1977)
(4) Chinese Legal History, written by Zhang Jinfan, Wunan Publishing House (first edition in September 1981)
(5) Traditional Chinese legal system and thought, written by Huang Yuansheng, Wunan Publishing House (first edition in October 8th year of the Republic of China)
(6) Traditional Chinese Legal Culture Wu Shuchen et al. Peking University Publishing (second edition in 1996)
(7) Methods for researching Taiwan’s legal history Li Hongxi et al. Taiwan Legal History Series (2000.6)
(8) Written by Song Xingtong, Dou Yi and others, published by Renai Bookstore (October 1974 edition)
(9) Comparison between Chinese inherent law and modern Western law, written by Lin Rong, Central Cultural Relics Supply Society (first edition in August 1971)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
normal grades
34 出席率、課堂表現及分組作口頭、書面專題報告
midterm exam
33 簡答題及簡單案例分析
final exam
33 簡答題及簡單案例分析

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相似課程 Related Course

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/11,12[AG106]
授課教師 Teacher:郭文雄
修課班級 Class:法律系1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 59 人。

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