course information of 102 - 02 | 8418 Distribution Management(流通經營管理)

Taught In English8418 - 流通經營管理 Distribution Management

教育目標 Course Target

台灣的流通產業正以快速成長,經濟突飛猛進,台灣製造在產品製造方面,已在全球贏得「Made-In-Taiwan」之名美名,但產品在國外流通過程無法自主,依然聽命於當地流通業者之意。可感受市場自由競爭的結果,製造業者再怎麼強調行銷導向(市場導向、消費者導向)的重要性,最後產品的生命週期還是決定在流通業者的手上,現代資本主義市場,尊重(生產、流通、消費)三大經濟單位自由競爭的原則,在經濟政策上確保(生產、流通、消費)能有參與競爭和選擇進入或退出市場之自由,以創造國民最大福祉的結果。 台灣流通經營的課題,隨著國際化程度的加深,連帶本土化的必要性,資訊化、系統化、連鎖化、科學化、人性化、互相調適、多角化的不斷追求成長。 另外,大型零售企業亦可挟其影響力介入改造通路結構,對通路中間缺乏流通效率的批發和物流業進行革新。最典型的例子,由大型零售企業(家樂福、愛買、大買家、大潤發、COSTCO(好市多)、台糖量販店)主導商品供應共同參與投資建立所謂「共同配送中心」,改善流通效率,降低流通成本。 1、 知識:培養學生了解流通經營管理學的重視。 2、 技能:讓學生能夠了解流通經營管理的技巧。 3、 態度:讓學生學習的方式及體驗了解實務應用。 4、 其他:學生應努力吸收流通經營管理新知、工作提升企業競爭力。 Taiwan's distribution industry is growing rapidly and its economy is advancing by leaps and bounds. In terms of product manufacturing, Made-in-Taiwan has won the reputation of "Made-In-Taiwan" around the world. However, products cannot be independent in the foreign distribution process and still obey the orders of local circulation. Industry intention. We can feel the results of free market competition. No matter how much manufacturers emphasize the importance of marketing orientation (market orientation, consumer orientation), the final product life cycle is still decided in the hands of circulation operators. The modern capitalist market respects (production, The principle of free competition among the three major economic units (circulation, consumption) ensures in economic policy that (production, circulation, consumption) have the freedom to participate in competition and choose to enter or exit the market, so as to create the results of the greatest welfare of the people. As the issue of Taiwan's circulation operations deepens with the degree of internationalization, it is accompanied by the necessity of localization, and the continuous pursuit of growth in informationization, systematization, chaining, scientificity, humanization, mutual adjustment, and diversification. In addition, large retail companies can also use their influence to intervene in the transformation of channel structures and innovate the wholesale and logistics industries that lack circulation efficiency in the channels. The most typical example is that large retail companies (Carrefour, Aimai, Big Buyer, RT-Mart, COSTCO, Taiwan Sugar Retail Stores) lead the commodity supply and jointly participate in the investment to establish a so-called "joint distribution center" to improve circulation efficiency. Reduce circulation costs. 1. Knowledge: Cultivate students to understand the importance of circulation operation management. 2. Skills: enable students to understand the skills of circulation operation and management. 3. Attitude: Let students understand practical applications through learning methods and experiences. 4. Others: Students should strive to absorb new knowledge in circulation operation and management and work to improve corporate competitiveness.

課程概述 Course Description

台灣的流通產業正以快速成長,經濟突飛猛進,台灣製造在產品製造方面,已在全球贏得「Made-In-Taiwan」之名美名,但產品在國外流通過程無法自主,依然聽命於當地流通業者之意。可感受市場自由競爭的結果,製造業者再怎麼強調行銷導向(市場導向、消費者導向)的重要性,最後產品的生命週期還是決定在流通業者的手上,現代資本主義市場,尊重(生產、流通、消費)三大經濟單位自由競爭的原則,在經濟政策上確保(生產、流通、消費)能有參與競爭和選擇進入或退出市場之自由,以創造國民最大福祉的結果。 台灣流通經營的課題,隨著國際化程度的加深,連帶本土化的必要性,資訊化、系統化、連鎖化、科學化、人性化、互相調適、多角化的不斷追求成長。 另外,大型零售企業亦可挾其影響力介入改造通路結構,對通路中間缺乏流通效率的批發和物流業進行革新。最典型的例子,由大型零售企業(家樂福、愛買、大買家、大潤發、COSTCO(好市多)、台糖量販店)主導商品供應共同參與投資建立所謂「共同配送中心」,改善流通效率,降低流通成本。 1、 知識:培養學生了解流通經營管理學的重視。 2、 技能:讓學生能夠了解流通經營管理的技巧。 3、 態度:讓學生學習的方式及體驗了解實務應用。 4、 其他:學生應努力吸收流通經營管理新知、工作提升企業競爭力。
Taiwan's distribution industry is growing rapidly and its economy is advancing by leaps and bounds. In terms of product manufacturing, Made-in-Taiwan has won the reputation of "Made-In-Taiwan" around the world. However, products cannot be independent in the foreign distribution process and still obey the orders of local circulation. Industry intention. We can feel the results of free market competition. No matter how much manufacturers emphasize the importance of marketing orientation (market orientation, consumer orientation), the final product life cycle is still decided in the hands of circulation operators. The modern capitalist market respects (production, The principle of free competition among the three major economic units (circulation, consumption) ensures in economic policy that (production, circulation, consumption) have the freedom to participate in competition and choose to enter or exit the market, so as to create the results of the greatest welfare of the people. As the issue of Taiwan's circulation operations deepens with the degree of internationalization, it is accompanied by the necessity of localization, and the continuous pursuit of growth in informationization, systematization, chaining, scientificity, humanization, mutual adjustment, and diversification. In addition, large retail companies can also use their influence to intervene in the transformation of channel structures and innovate the wholesale and logistics industries that lack circulation efficiency in the channels. The most typical example is that large retail companies (Carrefour, Aimai, Big Buyer, RT-Mart, COSTCO, Taiwan Sugar Retail Stores) lead the commodity supply and jointly participate in the investment to establish a so-called "joint distribution center" to improve circulation efficiency. Reduce circulation costs. 1. Knowledge: Cultivate students to understand the importance of circulation operation management. 2. Skills: enable students to understand the skills of circulation operation and management. 3. Attitude: Let students understand practical applications through learning methods and experiences. 4. Others: Students should strive to absorb new knowledge in circulation operation and management and work to improve corporate competitiveness.

參考書目 Reference Books

出版書局:新陸書局股份有限公司  2008年9月


Textbook Name: Circulation Operation Management
Author: Xu Yingjie
Publisher: Xinlu Book Company Co., Ltd. September 2008

References: Global Operations Development Plan, Economic Construction Committee of the Executive Yuan
Distribution Industry Report, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
normal grades
20 不定期小考
20 紀錄缺曠課次數
midterm exam
30 筆試
final exam
30 筆試

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/10,11,12[SS208]
授課教師 Teacher:郭東選
修課班級 Class:經濟系2,3,4
選課備註 Memo:列入指定選修學分
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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