course information of 102 - 02 | 6869 Emphasis on Art Administration (II)(美術行政專題(二))

Taught In English6869 - 美術行政專題(二) Emphasis on Art Administration (II)

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的主旨,希望能幫助學生瞭解美術行政與當代藝術管理的整體面貌、專業分工結構與實務工作知能,以及作為一種藝術事業,有心投入此領域的同學,應當熟悉哪些技能,並且具備哪些應有的學術涵養、知識準備、工作技藝、專業倫理、核心能力、人格特質、經驗積累、此一事業未來的願景和機會,本課程亦將使同學們瞭解到行政及管理事務在當代藝術世界中的重要性,以及如何在行政作為中實現美學與藝術的價值。The purpose of this course is to help students understand the overall appearance of art administration and contemporary art management, the structure of professional division of labor, and practical work capabilities. As an art career, students who are interested in investing in this field should be familiar with what skills and have what applications. With academic accomplishment, knowledge preparation, work skills, professional ethics, core competencies, personality traits, experience accumulation, future vision and opportunities for this career, this course will also enable students to understand the role of administration and management affairs in the contemporary art world. importance, and how to realize the value of aesthetics and art in administrative actions.

課程概述 Course Description

1.使學生對於視覺藝術行政的台灣現象,有所認識,並能進一步分析和判斷。 2.透過專題研究,對相關文獻閱讀、現象調查、分析、參訪,並引介操作案例,使學生能從理論和實務面理解問題。
1. To enable students to understand the Taiwanese phenomenon of visual arts administration and be able to further analyze and judge. 2. Through special research, relevant literature reading, phenomenon investigation, analysis, interviews, and introduction of operational cases, students can understand the problem from a theoretical and practical perspective.

參考書目 Reference Books

� ※主要參考書籍/資料 (Textbooks andReferences)
林信華,2009,《文化政策新論 : 建構臺灣新社會》,台北:揚智。
行政院文化建設委員會,1990,《各國文化行政叢書》,台北 : 行政院文化建設委員會。
行政院文化建設委員會法規委員會編輯,2008,《文化建設法規彙編》,台北 : 行政
呂藝生 ,2004,《藝術管理學》,上海:上海音樂出版社。
《文化建構 : 文化行政管理前輩經驗談》,台北:國立歷史博物館。
郭長江,2003,《時空落子 : 愽物舘展示設計實務》,台北:國立歷史博物館。
Hugh H. Genoways & Lynne M. Ireland 原著,林潔盈譯,2007,《博物館行政》,台北:
Anheier , Helmut K. & Yudhishthir Raj Isar, eds.(2008). Cultures and Globalization: The Cultural Economy.
London: SAGE.
Albano, Anna (2005). Young Curators & Contemporary Art. Pennsylvania:Trans-Atlantic
Brindle, Meg & Constance Devereaux, eds(2011). The Arts Management Handbook:
New Directions for Students and Practitioners. New York: M.E. Sharpe.
Horowitz, Noah (2010) . Art of the Deal: Contemporary Art in a Global Financial Market. NJ:
Princeton University Press.
Hagoort, Giep(2003). Art Management : Entrepreneurial Style. Delft, the
Netherlands :Eburon.
Marstine, Janet, ed. (2006) New Museum Theory and Practice: An Introduction. MA:
Sköldberg, Kaj(2002). The Poetic Logic of Administration: Styles and Changes of Style
in the Art of Organizing. London: Routledge.

� ※Main reference books/materials (Textbooks andReferences)
Chief Editor Wang Songshan, 2005, "Proceedings of the Academic Seminar on "Museums, Knowledge Construction and Modernity"", Taichung:
National Museum of Natural Science.
Lin Xinhua, 2009, "New Discussion on Cultural Policy: Constructing Taiwan's New Society", Taipei: Yang Chi.
Commission for Cultural Development, Executive Yuan, 1990, "Cultural Administration Series of Various Countries", Taipei: Commission for Cultural Development, Executive Yuan.
Editor of the Legislation Committee of the Council for Cultural Development of the Executive Yuan, 2008, "Compilation of Regulations on Cultural Development", Taipei: Administration
Academy Cultural Construction Committee.
Lu Yisheng, 2004, "Art Management", Shanghai: Shanghai Music Publishing House.
Hong Huiying, 2002, "Art Management", Taipei: ALi.
Edited by Li Yijun, 2006, "Taiwan's Characteristic Museums", Taipei: Hiking Culture. Edited by Li Mingzhu and others, 2005,
"Cultural Construction: Discussions on the Experience of Predecessors in Cultural Administration", Taipei: National Museum of History.
Namiki Seiji et al., translated by Cai Shirong, 2008, "The Possibility of Art Museums", Taipei: Collection Art Family.
Written by Fumio Nanjo, translated by Pan Guangyi and Cai Qingwen, 2004, "Art and the City: The Trajectory of an Independent Curator in Fifteen Years",
Taipei: Garden City Culture.
Xia Xuelia, 2005, "Cultural Institutions and Arts Organizations", Taipei: Wunan.
Xia Xuelia, Ling Gongshan, and Chen Yuan (eds.), 2004, "Cultural Administration", Taipei: Wunan.
Xia Xuelia, 2000, "Cultural Administration", Taipei: Huatai Cultural Industry Co., Ltd.
Xia Xuelia, 2011, "Operation Performance Management of Performance Organizations", Taipei: Wunan.
Huang Guangnan, 2007, "Museum Enterprise", Taipei: Artist Publishing House.
Cai Dongyuan, 2007, "General Theory of Cultural Administration", Tainan: Ancient Seal Culture.
Zhang Zhenglin and Zhou Jinhong, eds., 2007, "Public Relations: A Leisure Industry Perspective", Taipei: Holley.
Guo Changjiang, 2003, "The Fall of Time and Space: Museum Display Design Practice", Taipei: National Museum of History.
Original work by Hugh H. Genoways & Lynne M. Ireland, translated by Lin Jieying, 2007, "Museum Administration", Taipei:
Five Views Art Management.
Anheier , Helmut K. & Yudhishthir Raj Isar, eds.(2008). Cultures and Globalization: The Cultural Economy.
London: SAGE.
Albano, Anna (2005). Young Curators & Contemporary Art. Pennsylvania: Trans-Atlantic
Brindle, Meg & Constance Devereaux, eds(2011). The Arts Management Handbook:
New Directions for Students and Practitioners. New York: M.E. Sharpe.
Horowitz, Noah (2010). Art of the Deal: Contemporary Art in a Global Financial Market. NJ:
Princeton University Press.
Hagoort, Giep (2003). Art Management: Entrepreneurial Style. Delft, the
Netherlands :Eburon.
Marstine, Janet, ed. (2006) New Museum Theory and Practice: An Introduction. MA:
Sköldberg, Kaj (2002). The Poetic Logic of Administration: Styles and Changes of Style
in the Art of Organizing. London: Routledge.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
interim report
25 請就上半學期所學習的行政議題,撰寫一專案活動的企劃書,字數以不超過4,000字為限。
term report
Daily homework and performance
40 含整學期基本三次之平日作業,並綜合考量分組討論時的表現與個人出缺席率。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/10,11
授課教師 Teacher:張正霖
修課班級 Class:美術碩1
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部隨班附讀。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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