course information of 102 - 02 | 6861 The Artist’s Book(書藝與水墨繪本專題)

Taught In English6861 - 書藝與水墨繪本專題 The Artist’s Book

教育目標 Course Target

1. 使學生擴大理解水墨媒材、書和紙的藝術創作媒介的表達 2. 使學生瞭解“藝術家的書”是什麼? 介紹當代名家的作品 3. 使學生熟悉東方和西方的手工繪本製作或Artists’Book Making 的知識和方法 4. 使學生瞭解解決藝術書或繪本設計問題的技能和概念 5. 使學生表現出對視覺藝術有批判性思維和溝通的能力 6. 使學生瞭解當代水墨在西方語境下的抽象性思辯方法、以及其解構和重組的可能 7. 使學生有能力發掘創作上的問題並提出有創意的解決方法 8. 使學生提升對傳統文化資源(水墨畫)與生活創意的整合運用1. Enable students to expand their understanding of the expression of artistic creation media such as ink and wash media, books and paper. 2. Let students understand what an “artist’s book” is? Introducing the works of contemporary famous artists 3. To familiarize students with the knowledge and methods of Eastern and Western handmade picture book making or Artists’ Book Making 4. To enable students to understand the skills and concepts for solving art book or picture book design problems 5. Enable students to demonstrate critical thinking and communication skills in visual arts 6. To enable students to understand the abstract thinking methods of contemporary ink painting in the Western context, as well as the possibility of its deconstruction and reconstruction 7. Enable students to explore creative problems and come up with creative solutions 8. Enable students to improve their integrated use of traditional cultural resources (ink painting) and life creativity

課程概述 Course Description

此課程將強調學習者對繪本創作形式的運用 , 介紹高度可視的藝術形式藝術家的書-Artists Book為原創作品, 同時結合各種東方繪畫媒材的特性與理解,作為另一種新藝術創作的媒介。本課程涵蓋了東方和西方藝術書的應用與研究。
This course will emphasize learners' use of picture book creation forms, introduce the highly visual art form Artists Book as an original work, and combine the characteristics and understanding of various oriental painting media as another medium for new art creation. This course covers the application and study of Eastern and Western art books.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 1000 Artists’ Book : Exploring the Book As Art, by Sandra Salamony and Peter and Donna Thomas, Quarry Books, 2012
2. The Books As Art: Artists’ Books From The National Museum of Women in the Art. By Krystyna Wasserman, Johanna Drucker and Audrey Niffenegger, Princeton Architectural Press, 2011
3. 創意教學活動:透明繪本的製作與運用,曾淑美;蔡春美審閱著,心理出版社股份有限公司,2005。
4.「水墨變相─現代水墨在台灣」,劉永仁著。 台北:臺北市立美術館。2008。
1. 1000 Artists’ Book: Exploring the Book As Art, by Sandra Salamony and Peter and Donna Thomas, Quarry Books, 2012
2. The Books As Art: Artists’ Books From The National Museum of Women in the Art. By Krystyna Wasserman, Johanna Drucker and Audrey Niffenegger, Princeton Architectural Press, 2011
3. Creative teaching activities: production and application of transparent picture books, reviewed by Zeng Shumei and Cai Chunmei, Psychology Press Co., Ltd., 2005.
4. "Ink Painting in Disguise - Modern Ink Painting in Taiwan", written by Liu Yongren. Taipei: Taipei Fine Arts Museum. 2008.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Classroom performance
30 出席率,學習態度、課外研究、課堂分享討論,按時繳交規定的作業、 專題創作的完整度與創意、速寫簿的完整性。
Midterm PPTPresentation sharing report
20 報告內容的完整性以及提出問題的深度、解決問題的能力
Publication and analysis of the finished product at the end of the term
50 完成作品、對於成品是否有評析的能力、眼光

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/8,9
授課教師 Teacher:鄭月妹
修課班級 Class:美術3.4碩1.2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 12 人。

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