course information of 102 - 02 | 6609 Seminar on Administration and Legislative(行政與立法過程專題)

Taught In English6609 - 行政與立法過程專題 Seminar on Administration and Legislative

教育目標 Course Target

本課程乃是公共事務碩士在職專班的選修課程。其內容主要在探討民主憲政體制下(不論是總統制,議會制抑或是半總統制),國會(立法機關)必然是政府權力中心的事實。在民主憲政體制下,法律、預算以及人事必須由民選的國會所制定或決議,國會藉由法律的制定,為整個社會做權威性的價值分配,因此民主政治的統治必須以贏得議會的多數支持為前提。不過,國會雖然具有立法的權力,而其如何立法則需視國會內部的結構(structure),以及國會與其他政治機構(political institutions),尤其是行政部門之間的互動關係而定。基本上,國會的立法過程(legislative process)乃是政治過程(political process)的一環。本課程旨在介紹國會內部的結構,並說明影響國會立法,尤其是行政部門的政治因素,以期學生具備相關的政治專業知識,決策分析與行政服務的能力。This course is an elective course for the in-service Master of Public Affairs program. Its content mainly discusses the fact that under a democratic constitutional system (whether it is a presidential system, a parliamentary system or a semi-presidential system), the Congress (legislature) must be the center of government power. Under a democratic constitutional system, laws, budgets, and personnel must be enacted or resolved by the democratically elected Congress. Congress makes authoritative value allocations for the entire society through the enactment of laws. Therefore, democratic political rule must win the majority support of the Congress. as a premise. However, although Congress has the power to legislate, how it legislates depends on the internal structure of Congress and the interaction between Congress and other political institutions, especially the executive branch. Basically, the legislative process of Congress is part of the political process. This course aims to introduce the internal structure of Congress and explain the political factors that affect Congressional legislation, especially the executive branch, so that students can have relevant political expertise, decision-making analysis and administrative service capabilities.

課程概述 Course Description

民主政治以國會(立法機關)為權力的中心。法律由民選的國會所制定,國會藉由法律的制定,為整個社會做權威性的價值分配。不過,國會雖然具有立法的權力,而其如何立法則需視國會內部的結構(structure),以及國會與其他政治機構(political institutions)之間的互動關係而定。基本上,國會的立法過程(legislative process)乃是政治過程(political process)的一環。本課程旨在介紹國會內部的結構,並說明影響國會立法的政治因素。
Democratic politics has Congress (legislature) as the center of power. Laws are enacted by the democratically elected Congress, which makes authoritative value distribution for the entire society through the enactment of laws. However, although Congress has the power to legislate, how it legislates depends on the internal structure of Congress and the interaction between Congress and other political institutions. Basically, the legislative process of Congress is part of the political process. This course is designed to introduce the structure within Congress and explain the political factors that influence Congressional legislation.

參考書目 Reference Books

(1) Keefe, William and Morris S. Ogul. 2001. The American Legislative Process: Congress and the States. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. (2) Lijphart, Arend. 1999. Patterns of Democracy: Government forms and Performance in Thirty-six Countries. New Haven: Yale University. (3) Elgie, Robert. ed. 2001. Divided Government in Comparative Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press. (4) Elgie, Robert. ed. 1999. Semi-Presidentialism in Europe. New York: Oxford University Press. (5) Elgie, Robert. ed. 2007. Semi-Presidentialism outside Europe. New York: Routledge. (6) Muller, Wolfgang C. and Kaare Strom. eds. 2003. Coalition Governments in Western Europe. New York: Oxford University Press. (7) 高德源譯,李帕特(Arend Lijphart)著《民主類型:三十六個現代民主國家的政府類型與表現》,桂冠圖書公司,台北,2001年10月。 (8) 吳玉山、吳重禮,2006,憲政改革:背景、運作與影響,台北:五南圖書 (9) 黃秀端、何嵩婷(2007),<黨團協商與國會立法:第五屆立法院的分析>,(政治科學論叢)第三十四期,頁1-44。 (10)黃秀端(2003),<少數政府在國會的困境>,(台灣政治學刊)第七卷第二 期,頁3-49。 (11)廖達琪、黃志呈、謝承璋(2006),<修憲對立法院功能及角色之影響-從表演場到表演場>,(台灣民主季刊)第三卷第一期,頁27-58。 (12)廖達琪(2005),<「橡皮圖章」如何轉變為「河東獅吼」?──立法院在台灣民主化過程中角色轉變之探究(1950-2000)>,(人文及社會科學集刊)第十七卷第二期,頁343-391。 (13)盛杏湲 (2006),<臺灣民眾為什麼討厭立法院?>,(台灣民主季刊)第三卷第三期,頁85-128。 (14)盛杏湲 (2003),<立法機關與行政機關在立法過程中的影響力:一致政府與分立政府的比較>,(台灣政治學刊)第七卷第二期,頁51-105。 (15)盛杏湲 (2000),<立法委員為什麼遊走在不同的委員會>,收錄於林繼文編(政治制度),台北:中央研究院,頁361-399。
(1) Keefe, William and Morris S. Ogul. 2001. The American Legislative Process: Congress and the States. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. (2) Lijphart, Arend. 1999. Patterns of Democracy: Government forms and Performance in Thirty-six Countries. New Haven: Yale University. (3) Elgie, Robert. ed. 2001. Divided Government in Comparative Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press. (4) Elgie, Robert. ed. 1999. Semi- Presidentialism in Europe. New York: Oxford University Press. (5) Elgie, Robert. ed. 2007. Semi-Presidentialism outside Europe. New York: Routledge. (6) Muller, Wolfgang C. and Kaare Strom. eds. 2003. Coalition Governments in Western Europe. New York: Oxford University Press. (7) Translated by Gao Deyuan, "Types of Democracy: Government Types and Performance in Thirty-Six Modern Democratic Countries" by Arend Lijphart, Laurel Books, Taipei, October 2001. (8) Wu Yushan and Wu Chongli, 2006, Constitutional Reform: Background, Operation and Impact, Taipei: Wunan Books (9) Huang Xiuduan and He Songting (2007), "Party Negotiation and Congressional Legislation: Analysis of the Fifth Legislative Yuan", ( Political Science Series) Issue 34, pp. 1-44. (10) Huang Xiuduan (2003), "The Dilemma of the Minority Government in Congress", (Taiwan Political Science Journal), Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 3-49. (11) Liao Daqi, Huang Zhicheng, and Xie Chengzhang (2006), "The Impact of Constitutional Amendment on the Functions and Roles of the Legislative Yuan - From the Performance Stage to the Performance Stage", (Taiwan Democracy Quarterly), Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 27-58. (12) Liao Daqi (2005), "How does a "rubber stamp" transform into a "Hedong lion's roar"? ──An exploration of the changing role of the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan's democratization process (1950-2000)>, (Humanities and Social Sciences Collection), Volume 17, Issue 2, Pages 343-391. (13) Sheng Xingyan (2006), "Why do Taiwanese people hate the Legislative Yuan?" >, (Taiwan Democracy Quarterly) Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 85-128. (14) Sheng Xingyi (2003), "The Influence of the Legislature and Executive Agencies in the Legislative Process: A Comparison between Unified Government and Divided Government", (Taiwan Political Science Journal), Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 51-105 . (15) Sheng Xingyi (2000), "Why Legislators Move in Different Committees", collected in Lin Jiwen (Political System), Taipei: Academia Sinica, pp. 361-399.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
five reports
100 每篇報告20%

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/12,13
授課教師 Teacher:任冀平
修課班級 Class:公共專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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