course information of 102 - 02 | 6041 Corporate Finance ( II )(財務理論(二))

Taught In English6041 - 財務理論(二) Corporate Finance ( II )

教育目標 Course Target

本課程將使學生瞭解財務與會計功能的不同外,更使學生能夠瞭解如何將財務融合在管理的功能當中,發揮財務的角色,進而協助公司極大公司的價值。This course will not only enable students to understand the difference between finance and accounting functions, but also enable students to understand how to integrate finance into management functions, play the role of finance, and then help companies maximize the company's value.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Tom Coplend, Tim Koller and Jack Murrin, Valuation-Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, 2005, ed., 華泰書局代理。
2. Tom Coplend, Tim Koller and Jack Murrin, Valuation-Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, 2008, ed., 華泰書局代理。
3. Aswath Damodaran, Investment Valuation, 2002, ed., 雙葉書局代理。
4. Chris Westland, Valuing Technology∼The New Science of Wealth in the Knowledge Economy, 2002, John Wily & Sons(Asia) Pte Ltd, 雙葉書局代理。
5. Lundholm, R. and R. Sloan, Equity Valuation and Analysis, 2007, 雙業書局代理。
6. Martha Amram and Nalin Kulatilaka, Real Options, 1999, Harvard Business School Press.
7. 陳隆麒著,事業評價,華泰書局,民國91年。
8. 陳隆麒著,科技評價,華泰書局,民國90年。
9. 吳啟銘著,企業評價-個案實證分析,智勝書局,民國99年3月。
10. 洪志洋著,企業評價原理與實務,新陸書局,民國99年5月。
11. 郭敏華編譯,企業分析與評價,華泰書局,民國98年3月。
12. 陳景蔚、鄭新嘉譯,價值領導,天下雜誌,2004年。
13. 蔡卓芬、李靜瑤與吳亞穎,願景領導,培生教育出版集團,民國96年9月。
13. 陳虹妙、余慕薌譯,經濟附加價值管理,天下雜誌,2004年。
14. 商諭文譯,EVA企業經濟附加價值再提昇,梅霖文化,2004年。
15. 謝家慧與林宜萱,麥肯錫的專業思維,美國麥格羅-希爾股份有限公司-台灣分公司,民國96年9月。
14. 齊思賢譯,麥肯錫中國投資報告,時報出版社,2003年。
15. 黃定遠譯,經濟附加價值EVA 入門全書,商周出版社,2000年。
16. 劉淑如譯,透析企業價值組合策略,遠流出版社,1997年。

1. Tom Coplend, Tim Koller and Jack Murrin, Valuation-Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, 2005, ed., distributed by Huatai Book Company.
2. Tom Coplend, Tim Koller and Jack Murrin, Valuation-Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, 2008, ed., distributed by Huatai Book Company.
3. Aswath Damodaran, Investment Valuation, 2002, ed., distributed by Futaba Books.
4. Chris Westland, Valuing Technology∼The New Science of Wealth in the Knowledge Economy, 2002, John Wily & Sons(Asia) Pte Ltd, distributed by Futaba Books.
5. Lundholm, R. and R. Sloan, Equity Valuation and Analysis, 2007, Shuangye Book Company Agency.
6. Martha Amram and Nalin Kulatilaka, Real Options, 1999, Harvard Business School Press.
7. Chen Longqi, Career Evaluation, Huatai Book Company, 1991.
8. Chen Longqi, Science and Technology Evaluation, Huatai Book Company, 1990.
9. Wu Qiming, Enterprise Evaluation - Case Empirical Analysis, Zhisheng Bookstore, March 1999.
10. Hong Zhiyang, Principles and Practice of Enterprise Evaluation, Xinlu Book Company, May 1999.
11. Compiled by Guo Minhua, Enterprise Analysis and Evaluation, Huatai Book Company, March 1998.
12. Translated by Chen Jingwei and Zheng Xinjia, Value Leadership, Tianxia Magazine, 2004.
13. Cai Zhuofen, Li Jingyao and Wu Yaying, Visionary Leadership, Pearson Education Publishing Group, September 1996.
13. Translated by Chen Hongmiao and Yu Muxiang, Economic Value-Added Management, Tianxia Magazine, 2004.
14. Translated by Shang Yuwen, the economic added value of EVA enterprises is further enhanced, Meilin Culture, 2004.
15. Hsieh Jiahui and Lin Yixuan, McKinsey’s Professional Thinking, McGraw-Hill Co., Ltd.-Taiwan Branch, September 1996.
14. Translated by Qi Sixian, McKinsey China Investment Report, Times Press, 2003.
15. Translated by Huang Dingyuan, An Introduction to Economic Value Added EVA, Shangzhou Publishing House, 2000.
16. Translated by Liu Shuru, Analysis of Enterprise Value Portfolio Strategy, Yuanliu Publishing House, 1997.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Two written reports and a questionnaire
interim report
End-of-period group report
Participate in class

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/2,3,4
授課教師 Teacher:詹家昌
修課班級 Class:財金專班1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 17 人。

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