course information of 102 - 02 | 5699 Advance Software Engineering Special Topic(高等軟體工程專題)

Taught In English5699 - 高等軟體工程專題 Advance Software Engineering Special Topic

教育目標 Course Target

1. 運用數學、科學、工程與資訊科技知識的能力 目前軟工面臨的挑戰是應付與日俱增的變異性以及應付開發時間縮短的要求,課程內容透過各種model來說明軟體從設計到維護所碰到的各種問題,並著重在大型軟體系統開發時常用的技術介紹,再用小考與報告讓學生練習活用過去所學過的知識。 2. 分析問題、定義需求並獨立尋找解決方法的能力 大型軟體與系統通常需要更加複雜的計畫與需求分析和定義,學生將在課程中學到如何管理專案,並對所得到的資訊加以解析來決定如何進行計畫。 3. 設計與實作元件或系統所需的技術能力 軟體工程是系統開發的主要基本知識之一,熟悉軟工有助於軟體開發流程的改善與維護能力的提升。 4. 配合與執行工程與管理的能力 好的執行力,能夠使的效率提高。良好的管理者,能夠使團隊發揮加乘的功效。學生能夠學習發揮此兩項能力,能夠使的團隊效率提高。 5. 團隊合作與溝通的能力 軟體工程涵蓋範圍相當廣,因此本課程在準備報告前必須先蒐集與分析大量的資料,這有助於學生的團體溝通能力與工作分配能力方面的提升,課程中對於團隊人員管理的章節亦有詳細介紹。 6. 吸收科技新知與產業動態的能力 處於資訊爆炸的時代,對於吸收新知,顯的特別重要,所以學生不只要具備專業能力,更要能隨時注意大環境的變化。 7. 建立科技語文表達的能力 對於自己的專業知識或是技能,要能以言語來表達出來,若是不能以自己的一套方法解釋出來,則不能說服別人來相信自己。1. The ability to apply knowledge in mathematics, science, engineering and information technology. Currently, the challenge faced by software engineers is to cope with the increasing variability and the shortening of development time. The course content uses various models to illustrate the problems encountered in software design and maintenance. Various questions, focusing on the introduction of technologies commonly used in the development of large-scale software systems, and then using quizzes and reports to allow students to practice and apply the knowledge they have learned in the past. 2. The ability to analyze problems, define requirements and find solutions independently. Large-scale software and systems usually require more complex planning and requirement analysis and definition. Students will learn how to manage projects and analyze the obtained information in the course. Decide how to proceed with the plan. 3. Technical abilities required to design and implement components or systems. Software engineering is one of the main basic knowledge of system development. Being familiar with software engineering can help improve the software development process and maintenance capabilities. 4. Ability to cooperate and execute engineering and management. Good execution ability can improve efficiency. A good manager can make the team play a multiplier effect. Students can learn to use these two abilities to improve team efficiency. 5. Ability to work in teams and communicate. Software engineering covers a wide range, so this course must collect and analyze a large amount of data before preparing reports. This will help students improve their team communication skills and work allocation abilities. In the course, The chapter on team personnel management is also introduced in detail. 6. The ability to absorb new scientific and technological knowledge and industry trends. In the era of information explosion, it is particularly important to absorb new knowledge. Therefore, students must not only have professional abilities, but also be able to pay attention to changes in the general environment at any time. 7. Establish the ability to express scientific language. You must be able to express your professional knowledge or skills in words. If you cannot explain it in your own way, you will not be able to convince others to believe in you.

課程概述 Course Description

This is an extension from the course: Advanced Software Engineering. This course focus on the Real-time software design, Reuse, UI, dependability, critical system specification and so on. In addition, PSP is another topic for students training their self to be good at self-improving. Furthermore, this course includes a project which demands students to use SysML open source tools and MARTE (Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded systems) related tools. Students should report what are learned and skills improved on class.
This is an extension from the course: Advanced Software Engineering. This course focus on the Real-time software design, Reuse, UI, dependability, critical system specification and so on. In addition, PSP is another topic for students training their self to be good at self-improving. Furthermore, this course includes a project which demands students to use SysML open source tools and MARTE (Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded systems) related tools. Students should report what are learned and skills improved on class .

參考書目 Reference Books

Software Engineering 9th edition/Ian Sommerville/碁峰/2010
Software Engineering 9th edition/Ian Sommerville/碁峰/2010

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Homework & Attendance
interim report
midterm exam
Final report
final exam

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[ST318]
授課教師 Teacher:朱正忠
修課班級 Class:資工碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:軟體工程學程;限研究所
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 10 人。

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