course information of 102 - 02 | 5221 (易經與歷程形上學)

Taught In English5221 - 易經與歷程形上學

教育目標 Course Target

孔子以「十翼」贊《易》,其中〈繫辭傳〉明白昭示:「是故形而上者謂之道,形而下者謂之器」,《易》所關切者,乃形而上之道是也。根據這項哲學信念,當代中國哲學家中,方東美與程石泉二先生均以《易》為中國形上學的源頭,其基本原理在於「創化生生」(creativity and unceasing generations)。他們並且認為西方歷程哲學家中懷德海(A. N. Whitehead)的機體哲學與古易智慧最為接近。而懷德海也曾在他的《歷程與真際》(Process and Reality)一書中提到:他的機體哲學是以「創化」是終極的(ultimate);就這點而言,他所採取的立場似乎更接近某些印度或者中國的思想,而不接近西亞或歐洲的思想。本課程將根據方程二先生這項洞見,促進中西歷程形上學的交流與對話。Confucius praised the "Yi" with "Ten Wings", and the "Xici Zhuan" clearly stated: "So what is metaphysical is called the Tao, and what is metaphysical is called the weapon." What the "Yi" is concerned about is the metaphysical Tao. According to this philosophical belief, among contemporary Chinese philosophers, Mr. Fang Dongmei and Cheng Shiquan both regard "Yi" as the source of Chinese metaphysics, and its basic principle lies in "creativity and unceasing generations". They also believe that among Western process philosophers, A. N. Whitehead's organismal philosophy is closest to the ancient Yi wisdom. Whitehead also mentioned in his book "Process and Reality": His philosophy of organism is that "creation" is the ultimate; in this regard, what he calls "creation" is the ultimate. The position taken seems closer to some Indian or Chinese ideas than to West Asian or European ideas. This course will promote the exchange and dialogue between Chinese and Western process metaphysics based on Mr. Equation 2’s insight.

參考書目 Reference Books

俞懿嫻,(2007. 6.)。〈《易經》創化概念與懷德海歷程思想〉,《哲學與文化》「創化與歷程專題」,397期。頁53-70。

Nicholas Rescher, Process Metaphysics, An Introduction to Process Philosophy, State University of New York Press, 1996.
Reck, Andrew J., “Process Philosophy, A Categorial Analysis.”
G. Lucas, The Genesis of Modern Process Thought.
Browning, D. & Myers, W. T., eds., Philosophers of Process. New York, Fordham University Press, 1988。
Yu Yixian, (2007. 6.). "The Concept of Creation and Huaidehai's Process Thoughts in the Book of Changes", "Creation and Process Special Topic" in "Philosophy and Culture", Issue 397. Pages 53-70.
Cheng Shiquan, New Exploration of Yi Studies,
Gao Heng, Modern Notes on the Ancient Book of Changes
Lu Shaogang, A Brief Explanation of the Book of Changes and a Complete Interpretation of the Book of Changes

Nicholas Rescher, Process Metaphysics, An Introduction to Process Philosophy, State University of New York Press, 1996.
Yu Yixian, "Whitehead's Natural Philosophy", Taipei: Zhengzhong Book Company, 1990.
Reck, Andrew J., “Process Philosophy, A Categorial Analysis.”
G. Lucas, The Genesis of Modern Process Thought.
Browning, D. & Myers, W. T., eds., Philosophers of Process. New York, Fordham University Press, 1988.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
term report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8
授課教師 Teacher:俞懿嫻
修課班級 Class:哲學碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:中西哲
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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