course information of 102 - 02 | 4149 Sophomore English(大二英文)

Taught In English4149 - 大二英文 Sophomore English

教育目標 Course Target

聽力訓練的主要目標乃提供學生於實際日常生活對話情境中聆聽各種英文腔調及聲音的機會。閱讀能力訓練的主要目標在於提供大量基礎閱讀技巧的練習,以加強學生的閱讀理解能力。譬如:快速抓重點、快速尋找資訊、找主旨、做推論以及從上下文揣測字義等。學生將習得這些技巧並將之運用於解讀學術及他類文本,這些文本具有完整架構:清楚的論述主旨、含有主題句及支持主題句之細節的論述段落、以及最後之結論。「大二英文」既定位為「大一英文」之延伸,即便以閱讀與聽力之訓練為其主軸,也勢必含括英語四技:聽、說、讀、寫之相關訓練。The main goal of listening training is to provide students with opportunities to listen to various English tones and sounds in actual daily conversation situations. The main goal of reading ability training is to provide a large number of exercises in basic reading skills to enhance students' reading comprehension abilities. For example: quickly grasp the key points, quickly find information, find the main theme, make inferences, and guess the meaning of words from the context. Students will acquire and apply these techniques to interpret academic and other texts that have a complete structure: a clear argument, an argument paragraph containing a topic sentence and supporting details, and finally a conclusion. "Sophomore English" is positioned as an extension of "Freshman English". Even if it takes reading and listening training as its main focus, it will inevitably include related training in the four English skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

參考書目 Reference Books

Q: Skills for Success Reading and Writing Book 3 and the corresponding online reading and listening platforms for SENM
Q: skills for success Reading and writing book 3 and the corresponding online Reading and listening platforms for S en M

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
期中 + 期末考試期中 + 期末考試
Midterm + Final Exam
Online practice

授課大綱 Course Plan

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必修-4124 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (會, 財, 統, 資管2,授課教師:Andrew Mark Jonas,三/5,6[M222])
必修-4125 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (政,行政,社,社工2,授課教師:Douglas Jarvie,五/7,8[LAN108])
必修-4126 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (政,行政,社,社工2,授課教師:王清平,五/7,8[A101])
必修-4127 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (政,行政,社,社工2,授課教師:Henry Westheim,五/7,8[LAN013])
必修-4128 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (政,行政,社,社工2,授課教師:張美鳳,五/7,8[LAN107])
必修-4129 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (政,行政,社,社工2,授課教師:陳振源,五/7,8[LAN014])
必修-4130 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (政,行政,社,社工2,授課教師:林玉梅,五/7,8[LAN015])
必修-4131 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (政,行政,社,社工2,授課教師:蔡妮燕,五/7,8[LAN013-1])
必修-4132 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (政,行政,社,社工2,授課教師:楊秀慧,五/7,8[LAN109])
必修-4133 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (政,行政,社,社工2,授課教師:葉宛芳,五/7,8[LAN014-1 ])
必修-4134 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (政,行政,社,社工2,授課教師:廖苑君,五/7,8[A102])
必修-4135 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (政,行政,社,社工2,授課教師:葉世芬,五/7,8[A105])
必修-4136 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經,畜產,食科,法2,授課教師:James Gillespie,四/1,2[LAN107])
必修-4137 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經,畜產,食科,法2,授課教師:許聖瑤,四/1,2[LAN108])
必修-4138 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經,畜產,食科,法2,授課教師:郭俊銘,四/1,2[LAN109])
必修-4139 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經,畜產,食科,法2,授課教師:廖寶彩,四/1,2[LAN110])
必修-4140 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經,畜產,食科,法2,授課教師:羅正佳,四/1,2[LAN013])
必修-4141 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經,畜產,食科,法2,授課教師:James Sims,四/1,2[LAN013-1])
必修-4142 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經,畜產,食科,法2,授課教師:詹玉雲,四/1,2[LAN014])
必修-4143 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經,畜產,食科,法2,授課教師:鄒治惠,四/1,2[LAN014-1 ])
必修-4144 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經,畜產,食科,法2,授課教師:林 璇,四/1,2[LAN015])
必修-4145 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經,畜產,食科,法2,授課教師:郭曉蓉,四/1,2[A101])
必修-4146 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經,畜產,食科,法2,授課教師:蔡富美,四/1,2[A102])
必修-4147 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經,畜產,食科,法2,授課教師:Mailly Cothran,四/1,2[A104])
必修-4148 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經,畜產,食科,法2,授課教師:李佩玲,四/1,2[A105])
必修-4150 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (餐旅,美術,音樂2,授課教師:謝怡帆,五/1,2[M107])
必修-4151 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (餐旅,美術,音樂2,授課教師:葉世芬,五/1,2[M108])
必修-8661 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (共必修2,授課教師:陳中漢,二/12,13[LAN107])
必修-8662 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (共必修2,授課教師:吳文祺,二/12,13[LAN108])
必修-8663 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (共必修2,授課教師:金瑞秋,二/12,13[LAN109])
必修-8664 Sophomore English / 大二英文 (共必修2,授課教師:謝佳懿,二/12,13[LAN110])

Course Information


學分 Credit:1-1
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/1,2[M106]
授課教師 Teacher:林玉梅
修課班級 Class:餐旅,美術,音樂2
選課備註 Memo:大二英文上期60分以上方能續修下期
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 30 人。

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