course information of 102 - 02 | 3398 Campus Atmosphere Writing-Reading(校園氛圍書寫選讀與創意寫作)

Taught In English3398 - 校園氛圍書寫選讀與創意寫作 Campus Atmosphere Writing-Reading

教育目標 Course Target

1.緬懷先賢,薪火相傳 我校於荒蕪之大度山丘創立,所伴隨者除野草、農夫、牛羊、雲影、黃土與甘蔗田外,名師、大師雲集,以其接觸拓荒期校園與辛勤哺育優秀莘莘學子之感受,寫下諸多感人篇章。今值我校倡導文藝復興、追求重返光榮之際,緬懷先賢,從而引起同學們寫作動機,奮力筆耕,以期薪火相傳,誕育未來成名作家,增加我校光榮。 2.主題觀摩,見賢思齊 校園氛圍書寫,因與同學求學生活經驗相近,特能引起觀摩學習興趣,本課教導詩、散文、小說寫作技巧,有助於選修同學見賢思齊,從因襲中出現新奇。 3.臨淵羨魚,退而結網 除天賦與大量閱讀之潛移默化外,透過創意激腦、靈感培養與不斷書寫,必能有效提升個人寫作能力,於在學中或畢業後,除能參加比賽(本校有東海文學獎徵文)、投稿,於得獎或錄用發表時,獲得精神與物質鼓勵外,對應徵與就業之助益亦可期許。1. Remember the ancestors and pass on the fire to the next generation Our school was founded in the barren hills of Dadu. In addition to weeds, farmers, cattle and sheep, cloud shadows, loess and sugar cane fields, our school was accompanied by famous teachers and masters. They came into contact with the pioneering campus and worked hard to nurture outstanding students. Feel and write many touching chapters. Today, when our school is advocating the Renaissance and pursuing a return to glory, we commemorate our ancestors, which will arouse the motivation of students to write and work hard in order to pass on the fire to future generations and produce famous writers in the future, adding to the glory of our school. 2. Observe the theme and learn from others Writing about campus atmosphere can arouse interest in observing and learning because it is similar to classmates' academic life experience. This course teaches poetry, prose, and novel writing skills, which will help elective students think about others and create novelty from what they have learned. 3. The fish is envious of the abyss and retreats to build a net. In addition to the subtle influence of talent and extensive reading, through creative brain stimulation, inspiration cultivation and continuous writing, one can effectively improve one's writing ability. During school or after graduation, in addition to participating in competitions (our school has an essay competition for the Donghai Literature Award) and submitting articles , in addition to receiving spiritual and material encouragement when winning an award or being accepted, you can also expect assistance in recruitment and employment.

參考書目 Reference Books


1. Writing: My career as a writer
Stephen. Gold
Translator: Zeng Jingyao
Shang and Zhou
2. The Art of Fiction
Milan Kundera
Translator: Yu Chixiu
Crown Culture
3. Literary principles
Zhao Zifan

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
personal book report
30 需依規定時間(期中考前一周上課日)繳交。
The students are divided into groups to read a designated novel, study and discuss in the same group, and select representatives to make in-depth reports in class.
30 同組合作,小組報告成績即為本組組員本項成績。
creative writing
30 需依規定時間(期末考前一周上課日)繳交。
class attendance
10 需每節到課,參與小組討論,有事需請假。

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/11,12[H305]
授課教師 Teacher:李森隆
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4
選課備註 Memo:教師自主加選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 35 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 35 人。

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