course information of 102 - 02 | 3307 Western Thought and Civilization:From Renaissance to(通識:西方思想與文明:文藝復興至啟蒙運動)

Taught In English3307 - 通識:西方思想與文明:文藝復興至啟蒙運動 Western Thought and Civilization:From Renaissance to

教育目標 Course Target

本課程以「史」為經,以「思想」為緯。經緯所框架之象限涵蓋文化、宗教、藝術、政治、經濟、社會等諸文明流變。本課程目前構想為三學期系列課程,亦即依目前構思計劃,上學期(102-1)已提供「文藝復興之前」,本學期(102-2)開授「文藝復興至啟蒙運動」(15-18 世紀),接續學期(103-1)為「工業革命至後工業時期」(19-20 世紀)(課程標題皆暫訂)。以此三大歷史段落,完成整部西方思想與文明之考察。 本學期課程規劃承續上學期至中世紀止,登上文藝復興舞台,次第梳理西方社會人文主義、理性主義,至啟蒙運動的發展軌跡。也就是探究十五世紀到十八世紀的西方思想與文明。這約莫三百年間的歷史發展,對於西方現代性關鍵特徵──思想蓬勃、資本主義、公共領域、個人自由、藝術自主、政治民主──的開展至為關鍵。對於未修習上學期「文藝復興之前」課程,或意欲回溯古典時代到中世紀時期的有心人,本課程安排首兩週綱領勾勒,並指定閱讀 Claude Delmas 的《歐洲文明》簡史相關章節,以銜接課程。餘下只能極力建議自行參閱 Daniel J. Boorstin 敘事流暢的《探索者──問 「為什麼」的人》以及 Richard Tarnas 深具啟發的《西方心靈的激情》兩書之相關章節。本課程並不鑽研專家學者之細微知識,而是掌握思想家之洞識灼見,剖析西方文明進程之脈動趨向。換言之,思想與文明課程並非專家專題之學,而是通儒通識涵養。 亦即「士先器識,而後文藝」的宏通教育。關照臺灣社會的實用功利取向,並不乏專家技師,但向來忽視具備洞識遠見的廣博與融通。正是一藝易致,大道難聞。也難怪晚近各大學嗅得此一時代之蔽,遂舉「博雅」之名,紛紛設置不同名稱之學程、書院, 廣招生員。惟是否以宏通博雅為教育學習旨趣,抑或僅掛名上市,純粹吸睛引人,則未可知。This course takes "history" as its longitude and "thought" as its weft. The quadrants framed by latitude and longitude cover the changes in civilization such as culture, religion, art, politics, economy, and society. This course is currently conceived as a three-semester series of courses. That is to say, according to the current conception plan, "Before the Renaissance" was offered in the last semester (102-1), and "Renaissance to the Enlightenment" (15 -18th century), and the continuing semester (103-1) is "Industrial Revolution to the Post-Industrial Period" (19th-20th century) (the course titles are all tentative). With these three major historical passages, the entire investigation of Western thought and civilization is completed. This semester's course planning continues from the previous semester to the Middle Ages, stepping onto the stage of the Renaissance, and sorting out the development trajectory of humanism, rationalism, and the Enlightenment in Western society. That is to explore Western thought and civilization from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century. This historical development of approximately three hundred years was crucial to the development of the key features of Western modernity - intellectual flourishing, capitalism, the public sphere, personal freedom, artistic autonomy, and political democracy. For those who have not taken the "Before the Renaissance" course in the previous semester, or who want to go back to the classical era to the medieval period, this course arranges an outline for the first two weeks and assigns reading of relevant chapters of Claude Delmas's "A Brief History of European Civilization" for connection. course. For the rest, I can only strongly recommend that you refer to Daniel J. Boorstin's smooth narrative "The Explorer─Question". "Why" Man" and relevant chapters in Richard Tarnas's inspiring "The Passion of the Western Mind." This course does not delve into the subtle knowledge of experts and scholars, but grasps the insights of thinkers and analyzes the pulse of the process of Western civilization. In other words, the ideological and civilization course is not a specialized subject for experts, but a general knowledge cultivation of Confucianism. That is to say, the grand education of "students first learn knowledge, then literature and art". There is no shortage of experts and technicians to take care of the practical and utilitarian orientation of Taiwanese society, but the breadth and comprehensiveness of insight and foresight have always been ignored. It's just that a skill is easy to achieve, but the road is hard to smell. It is no wonder that in recent times, universities have sensed the shadow of this era, and have used the name of "liberal arts" to set up academic programs and academies with different names. Recruiting members widely. However, it is not clear whether Hongtong Boya is intended for educational purposes, or whether it is just listed in name and is purely eye-catching.

參考書目 Reference Books

柒、 課程指定必讀及基本參考書目

一、 指定必讀書目(書目購置事宜於第一週上課說明及安排)
Delmas, Claude ﹧吳錫德譯:歐洲文明。臺北市:遠流,
1989,頁 39-83[=第二章:中世紀的大轉變]。【Orig.
Delmas, Claude: La Civilisation européenne. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1980.】

Gay, Peter(彼得•蓋伊) ﹧劉森堯、梁永安譯:啟蒙運動
Gay, Peter: The Enlightenment: The Sciences of Freedom. New York:
Knopf, 1976-78.】[簡稱:《啟蒙運動》]

二、 基本參考書目
Boorstin, Daniel J.(布斯汀) ﹧劉喬譯:探索者──問「為什麼」的人。臺北市:貓頭鷹,2005。【Orig. Boorstin, Daniel J.:
The Seekers: The Story of Man’s Continuing Quest to Understand His World. New York: Random House, 1998.】

Tarnas, Richard(理查•塔那斯) ﹧王又如譯:西方心靈
的激情。臺北市:正中書局,1995。【Orig. Tarnas, Richard: The
Passion of the Western Mind. Understanding the Ideas That Have
Shaped Our World View. New York: Ballantine Books, 1993.】

7. Course designated required reading and basic reference books

1. Designated required readings (the purchase of books will be explained and arranged in the first week of class)
Delmas, Claude﹧Translated by Wu Xide: European Civilization. Taipei City: Yuanliu,
1989, pp. 39-83 [=Chapter 2: The Great Transformation of the Middle Ages]. 【Orig.
Delmas, Claude: La Civilization européenne. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1980.]

Gay, Peter (Translated by Liu Senyao and Liang Yongan: Enlightenment
(Part 2)──The science of freedom. Xindian City, Taipei County: Lixu Culture, 2008. 【Orig.
Gay, Peter: The Enlightenment: The Sciences of Freedom. New York:
Knopf, 1976-78.】[Abbreviation: "Enlightenment"]

2. Basic bibliography
Boorstin, Daniel J. (Buorstin)﹧Translated by Liu Qiao: Explorer──the person who asks "why". Taipei City: Owl, 2005. 【Orig. Boorstin, Daniel J.:
The Seekers: The Story of Man’s Continuing Quest to Understand His World. New York: Random House, 1998.]

Tarnas, Richard ﹧Translated by Wang Youru: Western Mind
passion. Taipei City: Zhengzhong Bookstore, 1995. 【Orig. Tarnas, Richard: The
Passion of the Western Mind. Understanding the Ideas That Have
Shaped Our World View. New York: Ballantine Books, 1993.]

Relevant references involving course content will be introduced, supplemented and explained in the course at any time.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Participate in class, discuss course books, study and discuss
class attendance

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,8[C101]
授課教師 Teacher:鄭志成
修課班級 Class:共必修2-3
選課備註 Memo:教師自主加選 社會系雙掛課程 限2-3 年級選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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