course information of 102 - 02 | 3194 How has medicine shaped the modern (自然:醫療如何形塑社會與歷史)

Taught In English3194 - 自然:醫療如何形塑社會與歷史 How has medicine shaped the modern

教育目標 Course Target

不論在中外的古典社會裡,人類的歷史是培養領袖與人才的必備教育,因為它能夠使人對過去「稽其興壞成敗之理」(《史記•太史公自序》)。「醫療如何形塑社會與歷史」這門課程希望回到人文與自然教育的原點,藉由具體的事例,來探索「醫療如何影響歷史,如何形塑我們熟知的當代社會?」。 從遠古到現代,人類經歷了許多鉅變時期。其中更有不勝枚舉的英雄輩出、波瀾壯闊的大時代。雖然醫療往往不是正史中的主角,然而疾病與醫療的互動往往是主導時代的關鍵。本課程將利用現代醫學的各種方法,以原典史料為中心,結合考古成果、古代文物等,對歷史事件進行多角度的剖析,探索醫療如何影響歷史與社會文化。更進一步探討疾病與及社會互動的祕密究竟何在,並希望使同學藉此明瞭醫學思考的功用與價值。 本課程目標如下: 1. 應用理性思辨的方法於探索人類史學與社會之意義 2. 學習批判性思考以及實事求是的精神 3. 在科學議題相關之公共議題上有辯證能力 4. 學習以人文精神探索人類歷史與社會的深層價值 5. 發展自我負責與理性的能力 6. 能運用歷史例證,闡明理性思考於社會議題的價值 7. 運用醫療科學的方法觸發學生的溝通能力 8. 意識與包容不同種族文化與社會中的多元差異 9. 實踐民主社會與專業素養的精神 10.培養求真、篤信、力行的人格Whether in classical societies at home or abroad, human history is an essential education for cultivating leaders and talents, because it enables people to "examine the success and failure of the past" ("Historical Records·Tai Shi Gong's Preface"). The course "How does medical treatment shape society and history" hopes to return to the origin of humanities and natural education, and explore through specific examples "How does medical treatment affect history and how does it shape the contemporary society we know well?". From ancient times to modern times, humans have experienced many periods of great change. Among them, there are countless heroes and magnificent eras. Although medical treatment is often not the protagonist in official history, the interaction between disease and medical treatment is often the key to dominating the era. This course will use various methods of modern medicine, focusing on original historical materials, combined with archaeological results, ancient cultural relics, etc., to conduct a multi-angle analysis of historical events and explore how medical treatment affects history and social culture. It further explores the secret of disease and social interaction, and hopes to enable students to understand the function and value of medical thinking. The objectives of this course are as follows: 1. Apply rational thinking methods to explore the significance of human history and society 2. Learn critical thinking and the spirit of seeking truth from facts 3. Have dialectical skills on public issues related to scientific issues 4. Learn to explore the deep values ​​of human history and society with a humanistic spirit 5. Develop the ability to be self-responsible and rational 6. Ability to use historical examples to illustrate the value of rational thinking on social issues 7. Use medical science methods to trigger students’ communication skills 8. Awareness and tolerance of diverse differences in different ethnic cultures and societies 9. Practice the spirit of democratic society and professionalism 10. Cultivate a personality that is truth-seeking, faithful, and practical

參考書目 Reference Books

槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵:人類社會的命運;Jared Diamond 時報出版

Disease and Medicine in World History, Sheldon Watts, Routledge

Four Creators Of Modern Medicine: Moments Of Truth, John Wiley & Sons

劍橋插圖醫學史;羅伊.波特;如果出版社; 1st ed. 2008

大疫年紀事;丹尼爾•狄福;麥田出版社; 1st ed. 2004

免洗餐具的誕生:醫學知識在台灣的社會性格分析; 林崇熙; 臺灣社會研究; 32 期

和平抗SARS實錄; 台北市政府衛生局;2003
Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fate of Human Society; Jared Diamond Published by The Times

Disease and Medicine in World History, Sheldon Watts, Routledge

Four Creators Of Modern Medicine: Moments Of Truth, John Wiley & Sons

Cambridge Illustrated History of Medicine; Roy. Porter; IF Press; 1st ed. 2008

Chronicles of the Great Epidemic; Daniel DeFoe; Wheatfield Press; 1st ed. 2004

The birth of disposable tableware: Analysis of the social character of medical knowledge in Taiwan; Lin Chongxi; Taiwan Social Research; Issue 32

Record of the peaceful fight against SARS; Taipei City Government Health Bureau; 2003

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Participation and discussion in classParticipation and discussion in class
participation and discussion in class
40 Attendence will be taken in each class.
Midterm ExamMidterm Exam
midterm exam
Final ExamFinal Exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[HT109]
授課教師 Teacher:劉伯瑜
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 101 人。

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