course information of 102 - 02 | 3175 Natural : Number Theory and (自然:數論與密碼)

Taught In English3175 - 自然:數論與密碼 Natural : Number Theory and

教育目標 Course Target

人總是喜愛保守一些私密不為他人所知;由個人小事乃至國家大事,自古皆然。 就個人而言,從小我們就有這種傾向,這可從小時候玩的各種遊戲窺見一二; 有時是互遞紙條、有時是交頭接耳、有時是竊竊私語,而保守秘密的對象則是父母、兄弟姊妹、同學朋友或老師。 就國王及眾將領使用一些最基本的密碼方法來跟他們的部隊聯絡,為的是防止敵方知道他們的重要軍事清息。 隨著社會的進步,私人、公司與國家的權益變得更機密更敏感,所以使用更精巧細膩的方法來保護資料的需求與日俱增。 現在,資訊的世代就活現在我們眼前,此種需求當然比以往更加顯著。 當世界變的更密不可分時,人們對資訊及電子服務的需求就會不斷的加增,而更多的需求帶來對電子系統更大的依賴。 目前,透過網際網路來交換重要資訊,如信用卡號碼者,已是司空見慣且極為平常。 所以保護資料與電子系統之安全,對我們的生活方式而言,也是不可缺少的一環。 保護資料所需的技巧,說來是精彩絕倫且令人拍案叫絕,一般將其歸屬於密碼術的領域。 在過去三十年,這是一個相當活躍的研究領域;特別是個人電腦普及化以來,更是銳不可當。 近代密碼術可說是奠基於數學、電腦科學及聰明智上一門學科,而其程度既深且厚。 本課程以生動活潑有趣的方式來引發學習者的興趣及其潛能,探究公鑰密碼系統之基本概念。People always like to keep some private things from others; from small personal matters to national affairs, this has been true since ancient times. Personally speaking, we have this tendency since childhood, which can be glimpsed from the various games we played as children; Sometimes they exchange notes, sometimes they whisper, sometimes they whisper, and the people who keep secrets are parents, siblings, classmates, friends, or teachers. The king and his generals used some basic cryptographic methods to communicate with their troops in order to prevent the enemy from knowing their important military information. As society progresses, the rights and interests of individuals, companies, and countries become more confidential and sensitive, so the need for more sophisticated methods to protect data is increasing day by day. Now, in the information age, this need is certainly more evident than ever. As the world becomes more interconnected, people's demand for information and electronic services will continue to increase, and more demands will bring greater dependence on electronic systems. Today, it is commonplace and routine to exchange important information, such as credit card numbers, over the Internet. Therefore, protecting the security of data and electronic systems is also an indispensable part of our lifestyle. The techniques required to protect data are so wonderful and impressive that they are generally classified in the field of cryptography. In the past thirty years, this has been a very active research field; especially since the popularization of personal computers, it has become even more important. Modern cryptography can be said to be a discipline based on mathematics, computer science and intelligence, and its degree is both profound and profound. This course uses a lively and interesting way to arouse learners' interest and potential, and explore the basic concepts of public key cryptography systems.

參考書目 Reference Books

必備教科書: 密碼學之旅-沈淵源, 全華圖書, 2006/2/20 ISBN:9789572152102

Essential textbook: A journey into cryptography - Shen Yuanyuan, Quanhua Books, 2006/2/20 ISBN: 9789572152102

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Preview reading test and class
70 共十次每次7% (以A4紙張在上課前一晚閱讀指定範圍並完成測驗)
interim report
15 期中報告:傳統密碼再省思--如何突破其僵局
Final report
15 期末報告每人三分鐘

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[ST520]
授課教師 Teacher:沈淵源
修課班級 Class:共必修2-4
選課備註 Memo:應數系不得選修。教師自主加選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 116 人。

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