course information of 102 - 02 | 3133 Humanities: The Christian History in Taiwan (人文:台灣基督教史)

Taught In English3133 - 人文:台灣基督教史 Humanities: The Christian History in Taiwan

教育目標 Course Target

本課程主要教學目標,在使學生對台灣基督教歷史的發展及其與社會文化互動的關係有系統性的認識,經由歷史脈絡觀察基督教的發展,與社會文化的衝突、調適、交流,使學生瞭解基督教在台灣社會扮演的角色與變遷過程,從而幫助學生認識基督教與台灣社會互動的多元面向。 因此本課程的教學目標有以下數點: 1.使同學能夠認識並理解台灣基督教歷史的發展及其變遷。 2.使同學能夠比較並思考台灣不同宗教文化的多元差異。 3.使同學能夠從理論的觀點,嘗試思考基督教與社會衝突、調適、交流的現象。 4.使同學能夠具有初步的田野調查能力與方法,對基督教作自我的觀察。The main teaching objectives of this course are to enable students to have a systematic understanding of the historical development of Christianity in Taiwan and its interaction with society and culture, to observe the development of Christianity through the historical context, and to enable students to understand the conflicts, adaptations and exchanges between Christianity and society and culture. The role and change process of Christianity in Taiwanese society will help students understand the diverse aspects of the interaction between Christianity and Taiwanese society. Therefore, the teaching objectives of this course are as follows: 1. Enable students to know and understand the development and changes of Christianity in Taiwan. 2. Enable students to compare and think about the diverse differences of different religious cultures in Taiwan. 3. Enable students to try to think about the phenomenon of conflict, adjustment, and communication between Christianity and society from a theoretical perspective. 4. To enable students to have preliminary field investigation abilities and methods, and to conduct self-observation of Christianity.

參考書目 Reference Books

12.George Leslie Mackay著,林晚生譯,《福爾摩沙記事:馬偕台灣回憶錄》,台北:前衛出版社,2007年。
13.William Campbell著,林弘宣、許雅琦、陳佩馨譯,《福爾摩沙素描:甘為霖牧師台灣筆記》,台北:前衛出版社,2009年。
1. Ku Weiying, "Collection of Research on the History of Catholicism in Taiwan", Taipei: National Taiwan University Publishing Center, 2008.
2. Compiled by the History Committee of the Taiwan Presbyterian Church, "A Centenary History of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan", Tainan: Taiwan Presbyterian Church, 1965.
3. Compiled by Jiang Chuande, "Catholicism in Taiwan", Tainan: Wendao Publishing House, 2008.
4. Wu Xueming, "From Dependence to Self-Reliance—A Study of the Presbyterian Church in Southern Taiwan before the War", Tainan: Renguang Publishing House, 2003.
5. Li Zhenglong, "History of Christianity in Taiwan", Taipei: Tian'en Publishing House, 2001.
6. Lin Changhua, "From Distant Formosa", Taipei: Richuangshe Culture Co., Ltd., 2006.
7. Editor-in-chief Lin Zhiping, "Christianity and Taiwan", Taipei: Universe Light Publishing House, 1996.
8. Lin Jinshui, editor-in-chief, "History of Christianity in Taiwan", Beijing: Jiuzhou Publishing House, 2003.
9. Zhang Miaojuan, "Opening the Eyes of the Mind: Taiwan Fucheng Church News and Christian Education in the Presbyterian Church", Tainan: Renguang Publishing House, 2005.
10. Dong Xianguang, "The Development of Christianity in Taiwan", Taipei: Holy House Society, 1970.
11. Lai Yongxiang, "Church History", series 1 to 5, Tainan: Renguang Publishing House, 1990-2000.
12. George Leslie Mackay, translated by Lin Wansheng, "Formosa Chronicles: Mackay's Memoirs of Taiwan", Taipei: Avant-garde Publishing House, 2007.
13. William Campbell, translated by Lin Hongxuan, Xu Yaqi, and Chen Peixin, "Formosa Sketch: Taiwan Notes of Pastor Gan Weilin", Taipei: Avant-garde Publishing House, 2009.
14. Taiwan Vernacular Character Archives
15. Taiwan studies online http://twstudy.iis.sinica.edu.tw/
16. Elder Lai Yongxiang’s Historical Database http://www.laijohn.com/

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
term report
usual results
midterm exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[H436]
授課教師 Teacher:王政文
修課班級 Class:共必修 3,4
選課備註 Memo:歷史系學生修習不算通識學分
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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