course information of 102 - 02 | 3071 Introduction to Religion(人文:宗教概論)

Taught In English3071 - 人文:宗教概論 Introduction to Religion

教育目標 Course Target

本課程規劃為通識人文學科領域的共同必修課程,課程目標放置在讓學生瞭解宗教對人類個人與社會發展的影響;宗教對生命歷程的詮釋與義意;以及台灣地區主要宗教之起源、內涵和影響,並期待培養學生對宗教探索的興趣。最終目的期待協助學生在這多元文化的社會中,具有多元文化的素養,可以選擇建立適當的生活目標與價值觀,並積極的在生活中實踐。 學生修完本課程後可以得到以下能力: (一) 瞭解宗教的本質與功能以及對人類的影響 (二) 瞭解台灣地區主要宗教的啟源、內涵與對台灣社會的影響 (三) 瞭解台灣地區不同宗教的生命關懷意涵、儀式與實踐 (四) 具備對不同宗教世界觀與文化的欣賞與尊重 (五) 具備建立適當生活目標與價值觀的能力This course is planned as a common required course in the field of general humanities. The goal of the course is to enable students to understand the impact of religion on human personal and social development; the interpretation and meaning of religion on the life course; and the origin and connotation of major religions in Taiwan. and influence, and look forward to cultivating students’ interest in religious exploration. The ultimate goal is to help students acquire multicultural literacy in this multicultural society, be able to choose to establish appropriate life goals and values, and actively practice them in life. After completing this course, students can acquire the following abilities: (1) Understand the nature and function of religion and its impact on human beings (2) Understand the origins, connotations and impact of major religions in Taiwan on Taiwan society (3) Understand the meaning, rituals and practices of life care in different religions in Taiwan (4) Appreciation and respect for different religious worldviews and cultures (5) Have the ability to establish appropriate life goals and values

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 瑪麗•派特•費雪著,尤淑雅譯,1999,《二十一世紀宗教》。台北:城邦文化事業。
2. 輔仁大學宗教學系編,2006,《宗教概論》。台北:五南圖書。
3. 盧雲著(Henri Nouwen), 應仁祥譯,2013,《向下的移動:基督的捨己之路》。台北:
4. 教師自編教材公佈於教學平台網頁,學生請自行上教學平台下載閱讀教師自編教材
1. "Religion in the Twenty-First Century" by Mary Pat Fisher, translated by You Shuya, 1999. Taipei: City-State Cultural Affairs.
2. Editor, Department of Religious Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University, 2006, "Introduction to Religion". Taipei: Wunan Books.
3. "Downward Movement: Christ's Road of Self-Sacrifice" by Henri Nouwen, translated by Ying Renxiang, 2013. Taipei:
Campus Press,.
4. The teachers’ self-compiled teaching materials are published on the teaching platform webpage. Students should go to the teaching platform to download and read the teacher’s self-compiled teaching materials.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Participant observation report on two religious activities
40 參與觀察與報告撰寫書面規定另行說明
Research report on religious beliefs and life interviews
40 訪談研究報告撰寫規定另行說明
Attendance, class participation, audio-visual teaching material experience
20 影音教材心得需按規定上傳教學平台

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[C207]
授課教師 Teacher:趙星光
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:教師自主加選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 58 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 58 人。

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