course information of 102 - 02 | 2933 Ecological Restoration & Engineering(生態工程)

Taught In English2933 - 生態工程 Ecological Restoration & Engineering

教育目標 Course Target

1.了解生態工程的基本理念與發展沿革。 2.熟悉各種環境中生態工程的設計手法與材料運用。 3.相關環境永續、綠色觀念之引介。 4.深入思考一般工法、景觀工法與生態工程之差異性,與生態工程在未來發展中所面臨的課題。 5.反思人—工程—環境的關係模式。1. Understand the basic concepts and development history of ecological engineering. 2. Be familiar with the design techniques and material application of ecological engineering in various environments. 3. Introduction of relevant environmental sustainability and green concepts. 4. Think deeply about the differences between general construction methods, landscape construction methods and ecological engineering, and the issues that ecological engineering will face in the future development. 5. Reflect on the relationship model of people-project-environment.

參考書目 Reference Books

林鎮洋、邱逸文 著。 生態工法概論。明文書局。
林憲德 著。 城鄉生態。詹氏書局。
林信輝、張俊彥 著。景觀生態與植生工程規劃設計。明文書局。
林鎮洋著。 生態工法技術參考手冊 。明文書局。
陳淑珍著。 生態工程與生態系統重建。六合出版社。
Dramstad, W. E., Olson, J. D., & Forman, R. T. T. (1996). Landscape ecology principles in andscape architecture and land-use planning. Washington, DC: Island.

Written by Lin Zhenyang and Qiu Yiwen. Introduction to ecological engineering methods. Clear bookstore.
Written by Lin Xiande. Urban and rural ecology. James Bookstore.
Written by Lin Xinhui and Zhang Junyan. Landscape ecology and vegetation engineering planning and design. Clear bookstore.
Written by Lin Zhenyang. Technical reference manual for ecological construction methods. Clear bookstore.
Written by Chen Shuzhen. Ecological engineering and ecosystem reconstruction. Liuhe Publishing House.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ecological Engineering and Water Conservancy Technology
A collection of ecological engineering law cases. Executive Yuan Public Works Committee.
BAF Berlin/Seattle GF
Dramstad, W. E., Olson, J. D., & Forman, R. T. T. (1996). Landscape ecology principles in andscape architecture and land-use planning. Washington, DC: Island.

Landscape Ecological Index
Landscape Performance

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
30 筆試
final exam
40 筆試
Participate in class
30 回應 出席 小考 小作業個案(基地參訪心得 工法與工料彙整 上課筆記 個案研究與心得)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[AG203]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡淑美
修課班級 Class:景觀系4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 29 人。

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