course information of 102 - 02 | 2862 Corporate Identity Design(企業識別設計)

Taught In English2862 - 企業識別設計 Corporate Identity Design

教育目標 Course Target

企業識別,係指一現代化企業如欲在競爭激烈、瞬息萬變的時代中立於不敗之地,勢須運用新思考模式,建構新組織形態,訂定新經營哲學,方足以因應並保持競爭力。而企業識別設計系統則是實現企業戰略的利器之一,其目的在確立「企業識別」,強化「企業形象」,藉以達到提升整体業績的目標;並提高其在社會上的形象知名度,普獲良好的評價,提振員工士氣和向心力,並促使企業理念和政策得到社會廣泛的認同。Corporate identity means that if a modern enterprise wants to remain invincible in an era of fierce competition and rapid changes, it must use new thinking models, construct new organizational forms, and formulate new business philosophy in order to be able to cope with and maintain competitiveness. The corporate identity design system is one of the powerful tools for realizing corporate strategy. Its purpose is to establish "corporate identity" and strengthen "corporate image" to achieve the goal of improving overall performance; and to improve its image and visibility in society and gain widespread recognition. Good evaluation boosts employee morale and centripetal force, and promotes corporate philosophy and policies to be widely recognized by society.

課程概述 Course Description

企業識別,係指一現代化企業如欲在競爭激烈、瞬息萬變的時代中立於不敗之地,勢須運用新思考模式,建構新組織形態,訂定新經營哲學,方足以因應並保持競爭力。而企業識別設計系統則是實現企業戰略的利器之一,其目的在確立「企業識別」,強化「企業形象」,藉以達到提升整体業績的目標;並提高其在社會上的形象知名度,普獲良好的評價,提振員工士氣和向心力,並促使企業理念和政策得到社會廣泛的認同。本課程旨在透過「CI 開發設計作業」之每一階段,進行實況調查、分析、問題點界定與設計展開實作,並輔以 CI 理論基礎與成功案例研究,以讓習者一窺 CI 之堂奧。
Corporate identity means that if a modern enterprise wants to remain invincible in an era of fierce competition and rapid changes, it must use new thinking models, construct new organizational forms, and formulate new business philosophy in order to be able to cope with and maintain competitiveness. The corporate identity design system is one of the powerful tools for realizing corporate strategy. Its purpose is to establish "corporate identity" and strengthen "corporate image" to achieve the goal of improving overall performance; and to improve its image and visibility in society and gain widespread recognition. Good evaluation boosts employee morale and centripetal force, and promotes corporate philosophy and policies to be widely recognized by society. This course aims to carry out fact-finding investigation, analysis, problem definition and design implementation through each stage of "CI development and design work", and is supplemented by CI theoretical basis and successful case studies to give students a glimpse of CI. Don't worry.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Alina Wheeler,Designing Brand Identity,Wiley,2009
2. World Branding Committee, Hiro Minamiyama, World Branding - Concept, Strategy & Design,
Gingko Press, 2007
3. 王桂沰,企業•品牌•識別•形象,全華科技圖書公司,2005
3. 連德工商發展基金會編輯小組,品牌形象•Corporate Image,連德工商發展基金會,2004
4. Norbert W. Daldrop, Kompendium Corporate Identity und Corporate Design, avedition, 1997
5. 汪光宗著,CI贏的策略,商周文化,1993。
6. 中西元男著,重建企業形象-塑造個性與美感的企業CI革命,遠流出版公司,1991
7. PAOS, 企業與Design System Series, 產業能率大學,1991-1977
8. 林磐聳編著,企業識別系統/CIS,藝風堂。
1. Alina Wheeler, Designing Brand Identity, Wiley, 2009
2. World Branding Committee, Hiro Minamiyama, World Branding - Concept, Strategy & Design,
Gingko Press, 2007
3. Wang Guiyu, Enterprise·Brand·Identification·Image, Quanhua Science and Technology Book Company, 2005
3. Liande Industrial and Commercial Development Foundation Editorial Team, Brand Image•Corporate Image, Liende Industrial and Commercial Development Foundation, 2004
4. Norbert W. Daldrop, Kompendium Corporate Identity und Corporate Design, avedition, 1997
5. Wang Guangzong, CI Winning Strategy, Shang and Zhou Culture, 1993.
6. Written by Nakanishi Genao, Rebuilding Corporate Image - Corporate CI Revolution to Shape Personality and Beauty, Yuanliu Publishing Company, 1991
7. PAOS, Enterprise and Design System Series, Industrial Science and Technology University, 1991-1977
8. Compiled by Lin Panshu, Enterprise Identification System/CIS, Yifengtang.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm and final report results
60 Team Work
Daily homework scores
30 個人課外作業
class attendance score
10 上課缺席乙次扣2分,缺席五次即予扣考。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/10,11[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:陳進富
修課班級 Class:工設系3
選課備註 Memo:外系欲選修者(限5名),請至工設系登記.
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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