course information of 102 - 02 | 2736 World Music(世界音樂)

Taught In English2736 - 世界音樂 World Music

教育目標 Course Target

世界上每一個民族都有其音樂的表述形式,深扣自身的文化脈絡與背景發展。亞洲地區包含內陸與海洋文化屬性的多樣性,音樂藝術富含文化印記的深刻軌跡,隨著全球音樂工業、傳播媒體的發展,世界不同地區、民族的音樂文化逐漸突破地理限制向各地傳遞,於是,本課程希望藉由對亞洲音樂不同的表現,深入探索文化與社會的多元價值,如音樂與音樂家在社會的角色地位、音樂的定位與存在、人與超自然的溝通奧秘…等,透過解析音樂藝術的豐富元素,體現對亞洲地區的深入瞭解,進而探索人群的認同邊界,理解當代社會的能力。 本課程首先以提綱契領方式,引導學生如何從音組織與曲式型態定位亞洲區域的藝術地圖,之後以六個音樂主題區,由東北亞為起始,環形圍繞至東南亞,分別是「聽見東北亞半島」、「乘著音樂流浪北亞草原」、「站在世界的中心,放眼絲路城」、「南亞迷人香」、「仰敬喜馬拉雅山麓」、「湄公河傳奇」,課程將運用文獻、圖像和影音資料的聆賞解說,深入淺出地,帶領學員遨遊於亞洲音樂境域。 程同時融入近現代唱片工業發展、音樂市場變遷等議題,帶領學生認識世界各地區、民族的傳統或古典音樂,在「全球化」時代中如何發展,以及跨越屬地的界限與其他民族涵融交流。最後課程目標試圖引導學生建立多元文化的觀點,培養地區性的文化差異,進而鑑賞不同文化的音樂藝術能力、多元視角與理解文化的新觀點,進而達成學生沉浸在不同的文化背景中,認識世界各民族的音樂風格與特色 。Every nation in the world has its own musical expression form, which is closely related to its own cultural context and background development. Asia contains the diversity of inland and maritime cultural attributes, and music art is rich in profound traces of cultural imprints. With the development of the global music industry and communication media, the music culture of different regions and nationalities in the world has gradually broken through geographical restrictions and spread to various places. Therefore, this course hopes to deeply explore the diverse values ​​of culture and society through the different expressions of Asian music, such as the role of music and musicians in society, the position and existence of music, the mystery of communication between humans and the supernatural, etc., through Analyze the rich elements of music and art, reflect an in-depth understanding of the Asian region, and then explore the boundaries of identity among people and understand contemporary society. This course first uses an outline approach to guide students on how to locate the artistic map of the Asian region from the perspective of musical organization and musical form. Then, it uses six music theme areas, starting from Northeast Asia and surrounding Southeast Asia, namely " "Hearing the Northeast Asian Peninsula", "Wandering in the North Asian Grassland with Music", "Standing at the Center of the World and Gazing at the Silk Road City", "Charming Fragrance of South Asia", "Admiring the Foothills of the Himalayas", "The Legend of the Mekong River", the courses will be used The listening and explanation of documents, images and audio-visual materials provide students with easy-to-understand explanations and guide students to travel in the realm of Asian music. Cheng also integrates topics such as the development of the modern recording industry and the changes in the music market, leading students to understand the traditional or classical music of various regions and ethnic groups in the world, how it develops in the "globalization" era, and to communicate with other ethnic groups across territorial boundaries. . The final course goal attempts to guide students to establish multicultural perspectives, cultivate regional cultural differences, and then appreciate the musical and artistic abilities of different cultures, multiple perspectives and new perspectives on understanding culture, so as to achieve students' immersion in different cultural backgrounds and understanding of the world. Music styles and characteristics of various ethnic groups.

課程概述 Course Description

Asia is located east of the Mediterranean Sea and contains the diversity of inland and maritime cultural attributes. Music and art are rich in profound traces of cultural imprints. With the influence of globalization and the development of communication media, the music culture of different regions and nationalities in the world has gradually broken through. Geographical restrictions are transmitted to all places. This course hopes to explore the diverse values ​​of culture and society by analyzing the different performances of music in Asia. By understanding the rich elements of music art, it can reflect the cultural characteristics of Asia in world music, and then explore the people's The ability to identify with boundaries and understand contemporary society.

參考書目 Reference Books

Blumenthal, H. J., 何潁怡譯
2001 《世界音樂聆聽指南》。台北市: 商周出版 。

1998 《東方音樂文化》。北京:人民音樂出版社 。
Translated by Blumenthal, H. J., He Yingyi
2001 A Listening Guide to World Music. Taipei City: Shangzhou Publishing House.

Yu Renhao, Chen Ziming
1998 "Oriental Music Culture". Beijing: People's Music Publishing House.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
usual results
35 (1)出席率 (2)課堂表現 (3)期末分組口頭報告

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[MU319]
授課教師 Teacher:魏心怡
修課班級 Class:音樂系2,3,4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 37 人。

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