course information of 102 - 02 | 2695 Music Resources and Scholarly Writing(音樂資源利用與寫作)

Taught In English2695 - 音樂資源利用與寫作 Music Resources and Scholarly Writing

教育目標 Course Target

本課程承接上學期的音樂資源利用與寫作。上個學期的內容主要是尋找及運用參考工具(如東海大學的圖書館系統、Oxford Music Online, Naxos, Music Index, JSTOR),以MAL格式寫作參考書目的規則、正確引文 (citation)的基本法則,及剽竊抄襲(plagiarism)的定義。在這個基礎上,我們本學期運用我們培養的基本技能,來探討實地寫作論文的方法。我們首先復習、總結上學期的內容,接著探討學術論文的結構:其基本要素(如導論、結論、提要),以及摘要、大意、大綱的寫法。下半學期我們討論寫作音樂論文的相關議題,如音樂術語、小節數、樂譜的引述法和寫作樂曲解說的原則。 This course is the second part of the 1-year music bibliography sequence. Last semester we focused on research tools (e.g., Tunghai University’s library system, Oxford Music Online, Naxos, Music Index, JSTOR). We also looked into principles of writing bibliography in MLA style, issues about citation, and the definition of plagiarism. This semester we will apply the skills that we have developed to the writing of research papers. After wrapping up unfinished discussion of basic elements in a research paper, we will discuss basic components of an academic paper, including an introduction, a conclusion, and a thesis statement; we will also talk about the structure and writing of an abstract. In the second half of this term, we will discuss several issues relevant to writing about music. We will learn appropriate ways to refer to a measure number, music term, and music score, as well as principles of writing a program note.This course takes over the use of music resources and writing from the previous semester. The content of the last semester mainly focused on finding and using reference tools (such as Tunghai University’s library system, Oxford Music Online, Naxos, Music Index, JSTOR), rules for writing bibliographies in MAL format, and basic rules for correct citations. , and the definition of plagiarism. On this basis, we use the basic skills we have developed this semester to explore methods of writing papers in the field. We first review and summarize the content of the previous semester, and then discuss the structure of an academic paper: its basic elements (such as introduction, conclusion, abstract), as well as the writing method of abstract, gist and outline. In the second half of the semester, we discuss topics related to writing music papers, such as musical terminology, number of bars, citation methods of music scores, and principles of writing music interpretation. This course is the second part of the 1-year music bibliography sequence. Last semester we focused on research tools (e.g., Tunghai University's library system, Oxford Music Online, Naxos, Music Index, JSTOR). We also looked into principles of writing bibliography in MLA style, issues about citation, and the definition of plagiarism. This semester we will apply the skills that we have developed to the writing of research papers. After wrapping up unfinished discussion of basic elements in a research paper, we will discuss basic components of an academic paper, including an introduction, a conclusion, and a thesis statement; we will also talk about the structure and writing of an abstract. In the second half of this term, we will discuss several issues relevant to writing about music. We will learn appropriate ways to refer to a measure number, music term, and music score, as well as principles of writing a program note.

參考書目 Reference Books

課本 Textbook:
Gibaldi, Joseph. 《MLA論文寫作手冊》, 王建文譯, 台北:書林, 2009 。
Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: Modern Language Research Association
of America, 2009.

推薦教材Recommended source:
Radice, Mark A. Irvine’s Writing about Music. Portland, Oregon: Amadeus Press, 2003.
Gibaldi, Joseph. "MLA Essay Writing Manual", translated by Wang Jianwen, Taipei: Shulin, 2009.
Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: Modern Language Research Association
of America, 2009.

Recommended textbooksRecommended source:
Radice, Mark A. Irvine’s Writing about Music. Portland, Oregon: Amadeus Press, 2003.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
出席、課堂參與 Attendance & participation出席、課堂參與 Attendance & participation
Attendance & participation
作業、隨堂考Assignments & quizzes作業、隨堂考Assignments & quizzes
Assignments and quizzes
期中考、期末考Midterm & final examinations期中考、期末考Midterm & final examinations
Midterm and final examinationsMidterm and final examinations

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-1
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/7[MU319]
授課教師 Teacher:李奉書
修課班級 Class:音樂系1
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 55 人。

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