course information of 102 - 02 | 2631 Seal Carving (II)(篆刻(二))

Taught In English2631 - 篆刻(二) Seal Carving (II)

教育目標 Course Target

教學目標: 篆刻藝術為東方特有的藝術表現形式,其本質即是平面及空間的設計。本課程介紹篆刻藝術特色並培養篆刻美感特質、欣賞 能力及篆刻技法。 並旁及對於印材、印鈕、邊款拓刻、印譜及精裝善本書裝幀製作, 藉由其與書法藝術、彫刻、設計造形 及線條美感之密切關係中汲取創作能力與經驗。Teaching objectives: The art of seal cutting is a unique form of artistic expression in the East, and its essence is the design of planes and spaces. This course introduces the artistic characteristics of seal cutting and cultivates the aesthetic qualities and appreciation of seal cutting. Ability and seal cutting techniques. In addition, it also deals with the production of printing materials, seal buttons, edge engravings, seals and hardcover rare book bindings, through its integration with calligraphy, engraving, design and shaping. Draw creative ability and experience from the close relationship with the beauty of lines.

課程概述 Course Description

The course focuses on the basic skills of seal cutting, knife skills, layout and related materials. Through the appreciation of the process from imitation to creation, you can think about the relationship between seal cutting, calligraphy, ink painting and design.

參考書目 Reference Books

1《篆刻的臨摹》、《五家書說文解字部首字彙》、《篆刻的邊款》黃嘗銘 編著 (台北 真微書屋)
2《篆刻學》 鄧散木 著
3《篆刻藝術》王北岳 著 (台北 漢光文化)
4《金石大字典》清 汪仁壽 編、《篆刻字林》(日) 服部耕石 編
5《璽印精選》曾紹杰 編釋
6《十鐘山房印舉》清 陳介祺 編
7《認識篆刻藝術》陳宏勉 著 (台北市立美術館)
8《名家談篆刻》(香港 商務印書館)、《印林》季刊
9《中國篆刻叢刊》(日本 二玄社)
10 陳巨來《安持精舍印存》;王福盦《麋研齋印存》等歷代名家印譜
1 "Copying of Seal Engraving", "Glossary of Radicals in Five Classical Books", "Margins of Seal Engraving" edited by Huang Changming (Taipei Zhenwei Bookstore)
2 "Seal Engraving" by Deng Sanmu
3 "The Art of Seal Engraving" by Wang Beiyue (Taipei Hanguang Culture)
4 "Inscriptions and Stone Dictionary" Qing Dynasty, edited by Wang Renshou, "Seal Engraving Forest" (Japanese) edited by Hattori Koishi
5 "Selected Seals" compiled and interpreted by Zeng Shaojie
6 "Ten Bell Mountain House Seals" Qing Dynasty, edited by Chen Jieqi
7 "Understanding the Art of Seal Engraving" by Chen Hongmian (Taipei Fine Arts Museum)
8 "Famous Masters Talk about Seal Engraving" (Hong Kong Commercial Press), "Yinlin" Quarterly
9 "Chinese Seal Engraving Series" (Nigensha, Japan)
10 Chen Julai's "Anzhi Jingshe Seal"; Wang Fuzu's "Miyanzhai Seal" and other seals of famous artists in the past dynasties

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
5 creative works, other specified works.
60 課程教學進度表中▼記號日為作品繳交討論日,當日繳交作品1方或其他規定作品。作品繳交討論日不得缺席,缺席或作業遲交者每遲交一週扣該作品10分。
Attendance and course participation.
40 無故缺席點名不到3次者按規定扣考。缺席數達全學期上課時數1/3者按規定扣考﹝6次﹞。每週上課請主動發表進度或問題與教師討論,每次均將列入課程參與度成績。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-1
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6[FA208]
授課教師 Teacher:魯漢平
修課班級 Class:美術系3
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部隨班附讀。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 10 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 10 人。

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