course information of 102 - 02 | 2623 Introduction to Art Management and(藝術管理概論與實習(二))

Taught In English2623 - 藝術管理概論與實習(二) Introduction to Art Management and

教育目標 Course Target

1.使學生能了解藝術行政範疇和歷史發展。 2.使學生能了解藝術機構與作品的風險管理與保存維護,並能在實習過程中演練。 3.使學生熟悉東海藝術中心管理和操作規則,並能在實習過程中演練。1. Enable students to understand the scope and historical development of art administration. 2. Enable students to understand the risk management and preservation of art institutions and works, and practice them during the internship. 3. Make students familiar with the management and operating rules of Donghai Art Center and be able to practice them during the internship.

課程概述 Course Description

1.從視覺藝術的機構運作,簡介外在環境,如文化政策、藝術機制的運作,以及內在事務,如藏品維護、畫廊管理、導覽解說、策展等現象觀察和討論,並進行虛擬策展之團隊合作作業。視情況將邀約有經驗的藝術經濟人或畫廊管理者到課講座與座談,使學生對於這個領域專業有初步的了解,並培養對世界趨勢和台灣現象有觀察和辨識的能力。 2.此課程同時結合大學部藝術行政實習課程,並作為研究所一年級學生修習藝術行政實習(一)之下修補充課程,以提供實習生操作所需的觀念架構和關鍵概念。
1. From the perspective of the institutional operation of visual arts, introduce the external environment, such as cultural policies, the operation of art mechanisms, and internal affairs, such as collection maintenance, gallery management, guided tours, curation, etc., observe and discuss phenomena, and conduct virtual curation Demonstrate teamwork. Depending on the situation, experienced art economists or gallery managers will be invited to give lectures and discussions, so that students can have a preliminary understanding of the profession in this field and develop the ability to observe and identify world trends and Taiwanese phenomena. 2. This course is combined with the undergraduate art administration internship course and serves as a supplementary course for first-year graduate students studying art administration internship (I) to provide the conceptual framework and key concepts required for intern operations.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. William J. Byrnes著,《藝術管理這一行》,民93,五觀,台北。
2. T. Ambrose & C. Paine,徐純譯,<博物館實務基礎入門>,民89,台灣省文化基金會。
3. 林平「博物館與文化機構的風險管理」,臺灣省立美術館八十七年度研究人員研究報告,民87年5月。
4. 林平「美術館永久藏品的登錄與資訊管理」,史物叢刊14:博物館的文物蒐藏及典藏制度,民86,國立歷史博物館。
5. 林平「戶外雕塑的規劃及維護保養」(上/下),民86/10 & 87/1,第38/39期。
6. 各式研討會紀錄專輯,「博物館學季刊」,「典藏」、「藝術家」等藝術雜誌及文化藝術報章報導。
1. William J. Byrnes, "Arts Management as a Business", Min. 93, Five Views, Taipei.
2. T. Ambrose & C. Paine, translated by Xu Chun, "Introduction to the Basics of Museum Practice", 1989, Taiwan Provincial Cultural Foundation.
3. Lin Ping, "Risk Management of Museums and Cultural Institutions," Taiwan Provincial Museum of Fine Arts' 87th Annual Research Report by Researchers, May 1987.
4. Lin Ping, "Registration and Information Management of Permanent Collections in Art Museums", Historical Relics Series 14: Collection and Collection System of Cultural Relics in Museums, 86, National Museum of History.
5. Lin Ping "Planning and Maintenance of Outdoor Sculptures" (Part 1/2), Min 86/10 & 87/1, Issue 38/39.
6. Various seminar record albums, "Museology Quarterly", "Collection", "Artist" and other art magazines and cultural and art newspaper reports.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Hours statistics, exhibition attendance status
70 由小組長提供考評成績供教師給分依據。
Work attitude, teamwork spirit, organizational character
10 由小組長提供考評成績供教師給分依據。
Course attendance and participation in course activities
10 由教師評量給分。教師點名,缺席達三次(二次遲到計一次缺席)將優先列入不通過名單。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-1
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7[FA209]
授課教師 Teacher:林 平
修課班級 Class:美術系2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部隨班附讀。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 30 人。

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