course information of 102 - 02 | 2186 Rising China and Reconstruction of the Global Capitalism(中國崛起與全球資本主義重構)

Taught In English2186 - 中國崛起與全球資本主義重構 Rising China and Reconstruction of the Global Capitalism

教育目標 Course Target

一、課程目標: 1.視情況補充能訓練英文閱讀能力的中國相關報導,學生除了能在課堂上認識中國崛起的各種因素,也能培養學生對相關知識的興趣,進而引起應用資訊工具自學的動機。 2.了解西方中心主義觀點及線性思考模式非普世準則,使學生能夠從中國發展脈絡上尋求自身利基點並結合在學時就讀科系之專業能力,以強化畢業後到中國投資或就業時的專業職能、創新與整合能力。 3.培養分析中國經濟發展背後政治、社會因素,及其對全球經濟重構效應的思辨能力,避免僅以西方經濟學或管理學理論做為爾後在中國投資或就業時唯一的行動準則。 4.要求學生分組進行中國與全球共構下經濟變化對未來就業產生影響之分析報告,在完成分組報告的過程中培養團隊合作能力,並於期末時上台發表以訓練溝通表達能力。 二、教師個別性目標: 1.了解並分析中國經濟發展背後的政治及社會因素,及其對全球資本主義的重構效應。(認知:包含基本知識與應用、理解與分析能力) 2.畢業後到中國投資或就業時,能夠從中國本身脈絡的基礎上尋找利基點。(技能) 3.避免僅以西方經濟學或管理學理論做為爾後在中國投資或就業時唯一的行動準則。(行為) 4.學生能感受到中國與全球資本主義共構下的經濟變化,對日常生活及就業所產生的影響。(情意) 5.西方中心主義觀點及線性思考模式非普世準則,能從在地觀點了解中國經濟發展。(後設認知結果)1. Course objectives: 1. Supplement relevant reports on China that can train English reading ability as appropriate. In addition to understanding various factors of China's rise in class, students can also cultivate their interest in related knowledge, thereby stimulating their motivation to apply information tools for self-study. 2. Understand that Western-centric views and linear thinking models are not universal standards, so that students can seek their own niche in China's development context and combine them with the professional abilities of the departments studied during school to strengthen their investment or employment in China after graduation. professional functions, innovation and integration capabilities. 3. Cultivate the ability to analyze the political and social factors behind China's economic development and its effects on the restructuring of the global economy, and avoid relying solely on Western economics or management theories as the only guideline for future investment or employment in China. 4. Students are required to work in groups to produce an analysis report on the impact of economic changes on future employment under the joint structure of China and the world. They will develop teamwork skills in the process of completing the group reports and present them on stage at the end of the semester to train their communication and expression skills. 2. Teachers’ individual goals: 1. Understand and analyze the political and social factors behind China’s economic development and its restructuring effect on global capitalism. (Cognition: including basic knowledge and application, understanding and analysis skills) 2. When investing or working in China after graduation, you can find niche points based on China’s own context. (Skill) 3. Avoid relying solely on Western economics or management theory as the only guideline for future investment or employment in China. (behavior) 4. Students can feel the impact of economic changes under the co-construction of China and global capitalism on daily life and employment. (affection) 5. Western-centric views and linear thinking models are not universal standards. China's economic development can be understood from a local perspective. (Metacognitive results)

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Prepare your own handouts.
2. Films: "Rush China"; "China's Reform and Opening Up"; "Thirty Years of Turmoil", "Harmony of Great Powers".
3. Lang Xianping, 2009, "Attention! The focus is not on GDP: Lang Xianping talks about strategies to revitalize the economy. Taipei: Yuanliu.
4. Wu Jinglian, 2002, "Reform: We are passing the big hurdle". Beijing: Sanlian Bookstore.
5. Wu Xiaobo, 2007, "China. The Rise - The Development History of Chinese Enterprises 1978-1992", Taipei: Yuanliu.
6. Zhang Weiying, 2008, "China's Reform-Thoughts of 10 Economists". Shanghai: People's Publishing House.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
30 申論題(開書考)
final exam
30 申論題(開書考)
Group reports and attendance at discussions
40 含書面、口頭報告及出席率成績

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[HT108]
授課教師 Teacher:陳迪暉
修課班級 Class:社會系1,2,3,4
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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