course information of 102 - 02 | 2088 Theory of Organization(組織理論)

Taught In English2088 - 組織理論 Theory of Organization

教育目標 Course Target

在人類社會中所有的活動都是透過某種組織方式來進行的,因此有人稱現在的社會為一「組織化的社會」(organized society)。我們又可以發現在歷史演化的軌跡之中,在不同的發展階段,公私部門的組織結構及流程運作方式又有著高度的相似性。換句話說,我們所有的活動都是“被組織化”的結果,而且我們又都必須生活在某種形式的組織之中。所以,我們有必要對組織我們活動方式的力量有所瞭解,以便對管理有所助益,或著方便我們尋找安身立命之所。 有形的門,無形的門,建構了我們的生活世界,打出娘胎開始,我們在無數的門中穿梭、徘徊、飛揚、沈靜,然後離去。我們的生活被「門」所形塑、限制,我們的人格和與人相處之道亦受到「門」的轉化及制約。然而,我們可知道,這些門是如何形成的,如何被建造,如何來分割世界的?每一道門後是否有一套特殊的運作法則?大門之中有小門,小門之中還有小小門,連環相扣,有人嚷著要解構,有人嚷著要再造,可是,我們又有多大的迴旋空間?在行動之前,且讓我們多多瞭解支配我們行動的所謂法則或價值觀吧! 組織結構和運作方式不僅為一種理想或觀點的呈現,更是歷史、文化、及生活方式交互綜合演化的產物。組織理論這一門課討論的是有關於組織的理論,換言之,即是將對組織許許多多不同的看法呈現出來,以做為我們了解組織是什麼的觀察架構,同時又可做為與我們生活經驗相比較的依據。因為不同的基本假定與建構原則會創造出不同的組織型態,在此之中,或許我們會發現吾輩均受主流思潮的影響,但我們又可發現這其中存在著許多殊異處,這正是迷人之處。在這一學期中,且讓我們放緩腳步慢慢欣賞。All activities in human society are carried out through some kind of organizational method, so some people call the current society an "organized society". We can also find that in the trajectory of historical evolution, at different stages of development, the organizational structures and process operations of the public and private sectors are highly similar. In other words, all our activities are the result of being "organized", and we all must live in some form of organization. Therefore, it is necessary for us to understand the forces that organize our activities in order to help us manage them, or to find a place where we can live. Visible doors and invisible doors construct our living world. From the moment we are born in the womb, we shuttle, wander, fly, become silent, and then leave through countless doors. Our lives are shaped and restricted by "doors", and our personality and the way we get along with others are also transformed and restricted by "doors". However, do we know how these gates were formed, how they were built, and how they divided the world? Is there a special set of operating rules behind each door? There are small doors within the large doors, and there are small small doors within the small doors, which are connected in a chain. Some people are clamoring for deconstruction, and some are clamoring for reconstruction. However, how much room for maneuver do we have? Before taking action, let us know more about the so-called laws or values ​​that govern our actions! Organizational structure and operating methods are not only the presentation of an ideal or viewpoint, but also the product of the interactive and comprehensive evolution of history, culture, and lifestyle. The course Organization Theory discusses the theory of organizations. In other words, it presents many different views of organizations so as to serve as an observational framework for us to understand what organizations are, and at the same time, it can be used as a basis for living with us. basis for comparison of experience. Because different basic assumptions and construction principles will create different organizational types. Among them, we may find that we are all influenced by the mainstream trends of thought, but we can also find that there are many differences. This is It's fascinating. In this semester, let us slow down and appreciate it slowly.

參考書目 Reference Books

Gareth Jones 原著。劉韻僖、卓秀足,俞慧云、楊仁壽合譯 (2012) 。組織理論與管理(六版)。 台北:雙葉書廊。
Original by Gareth Jones. Liu Yunxi, Zhuo Xiuzu, co-translated by Yu Huiyun and Yang Renshou (2012). Organization Theory and Management (6th ed.). Taipei: Shuangye Book Gallery.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
個案研討 (2次)個案研討 (2次)
Case study (2 times)
class participation
midterm exam
final exam
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[SS101]
授課教師 Teacher:史美強
修課班級 Class:行政系3
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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