course information of 102 - 02 | 1833 Management Information System(管理資訊系統)

Taught In English1833 - 管理資訊系統 Management Information System

教育目標 Course Target

讓學生了解資訊科技如何影響大環境和組織,還有各種不同資訊科技在企業間的最新應用,並適時介紹資訊科技所引發的管理新思潮叢書。本課程亦會搭配多則的企業實例影片,讓學生深刻體會各行各業營運上面臨的問題以及如何運用資訊科技幫助克服此問題,並結合大量新聞剪報讓課本內容可以對應到日常生活,使同學深刻體認與自己息息相關,而非只是抽象的概念,進而提升應用的能力。Let students understand how information technology affects the general environment and organizations, as well as the latest applications of various information technologies in enterprises, and timely introduce the series of new management trends triggered by information technology. This course will also be paired with a number of corporate case videos to allow students to deeply understand the problems faced by various industries and how to use information technology to help overcome these problems. It will also be combined with a large number of news clippings so that the textbook content can be mapped to daily life, allowing students to Deeply understand that it is closely related to yourself, rather than just an abstract concept, and then improve your application ability.

課程概述 Course Description

現今的資訊科技發展迅速且無遠弗屆,對大環境與組織均造成了巨大的衝擊。對大環境的影響便是促成數位化網路經濟體系的形成,也因此形成新的競爭環境、新的經濟法則、新的成本結構、新的產品特性、新的定價策略與新的競爭法則;對組織的影響便是產生新的組織流程、新的經營模式、新的組織結構、新的競爭策略與新的組織間關係。現代人對於這些資訊科技驅動的大趨勢與環境的變化都應有所了解。 本課程為「資訊管理導論」的進階課程,旨在介紹諸多資管領域所關心的理論、現象與研究觀點,這些理論與觀點正是資管領域研究者進行研究的基礎。熟悉這些資管理論與觀點,除了增進管理領域的本職學能,在進入職場後能更有信心面對資訊科技影響下的新環境,也能進ㄧ步以更宏觀的視野來思考問題;對於有興趣繼續深造的同學亦提供了未來進行資訊管理相關研究的必備基礎。 此外,為了讓課程內容更為生動有趣,本課程亦規劃加入數個真實個案影片,讓學生能在猶如企業參訪的情境下深刻體會各行各業的營運環境、所面對的問題,以及如何運用資訊科技幫助克服此問題。
Today's information technology is developing rapidly and far-reaching, which has had a huge impact on the environment and organizations. The impact on the general environment is to promote the formation of a digital network economic system, thus forming a new competitive environment, new economic rules, new cost structures, new product features, new pricing strategies and new competition rules; The impact on the organization is to produce new organizational processes, new business models, new organizational structures, new competitive strategies and new inter-organizational relationships. Modern people should have some understanding of these major trends and environmental changes driven by information technology. This course is an advanced course of "Introduction to Information Management" and aims to introduce many theories, phenomena and research viewpoints that are of concern in the field of asset management. These theories and viewpoints are the basis for researchers in the field of asset management to conduct research. Being familiar with these information management theories and perspectives will not only enhance your professional skills in the field of management, but also help you face the new environment influenced by information technology with more confidence after entering the workplace. You will also be able to think about problems from a more macro perspective; for It also provides students who are interested in further studies with the necessary foundation for future research related to information management. In addition, in order to make the course content more lively and interesting, this course also plans to add several real case videos, so that students can have a deep understanding of the operating environment of various industries, the problems they face, and how to Use information technology to help overcome this problem.

參考書目 Reference Books

(1).資訊管理-e化企業的核心競爭能力,林東清 編著,第五版,智勝文化
(3).光華管理個案-雄師旅遊 (optional)
(1). Information management - the core competitiveness of e-enterprises, edited by Lin Dongqing, fifth edition, Outsmarting Culture
(2). Corporate case videos
(3).Guanghua Management Case-Xiongshi Tourism (optional)
(4). Chinese and English extracurricular supplementary teaching materials

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
30 比照研究所考試,以名詞解釋,問答題與個案分析題為主
final exam
30 比照研究所考試,以名詞解釋,問答題與個案分析題為主
20 出席率與上課表現 (點到三次無故缺席者學期總成績扣20分)
Group assignments and reports
20 課後分組作業與討論

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相似課程 Related Course

選修-1170 Management Information System / 管理資訊系統 (資工系3,4,授課教師:朱允執,五/6,7,8[C215])

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/4,Wednesday/3,4[M218]
授課教師 Teacher:林盛程
修課班級 Class:資管系3
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 61 人。

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