course information of 102 - 02 | 1164 Design and Implementation of Embedded(嵌入式系統設計與實作)

Taught In English1164 - 嵌入式系統設計與實作 Design and Implementation of Embedded

教育目標 Course Target

1. 學習嵌入式系統程式設計環境 2. 學習嵌入式系統程式開發設計 3. 使用Eclipse,模擬器等開發工具 4. 介紹Android平台的基礎知識與架構 5. 熟悉Android平台使用介面 6. 學習Android應用程式設計1. Learn the embedded system programming environment 2. Learn embedded system programming development and design 3. Use development tools such as Eclipse and simulators 4. Introduce the basic knowledge and architecture of the Android platform 5. Familiar with the Android platform user interface 6. Learn Android App Design

課程概述 Course Description

Google在2008 年正式宣佈Android手機平台,並公開所有原始碼後,Android儼然成為手機上,第一個完整的開放開發平台。在手機已是人手必備的趨勢下,手機相關的應用,將會如同個人電腦上般多元發展。目前Android平台不僅獲得全球眾多開發者的支持,也吸引越來越多的國內外,軟、硬體廠商,競相投入Android相關研發計畫。為了因應這一波手機軟體產業的轉變,可預期的是,對產業界而言將會需要大量的Android手機應用程式之開發人才。台灣嵌入式產業對硬體、BIOS和Linux Drivers三者極為熟悉,但是對於Android的框架(Framework)部份非常陌生。因之,本課程的目標是讓學生熟悉的「硬體、BIOS和Linux」銜接到還很生疏的「Android框架」,著重焦點在於:一、使用Eclipse,模擬器等開發工具,讓學員快速熟悉相關開發工具之使用。二、介紹Android平台的基礎知識與架構,協助學員瞭解基本的運作原理。三、藉以實機操作方式使學員了解Android平台應用程式概念,並逐步熟悉Android平台使用介面與應用程式之設計。四、了解Android框架的內部機制、撰寫Android底層系統服務(System-level service)、開發共享模組(即 .SO)、提供學生實作應用程式開發的環境。
After Google officially announced the Android mobile platform in 2008 and disclosed all source code, Android became the first complete open development platform for mobile phones. With mobile phones becoming a must-have for everyone, mobile phone-related applications will develop in as many ways as personal computers. At present, the Android platform has not only received support from many developers around the world, but also attracted more and more domestic and foreign software and hardware manufacturers to invest in Android-related R&D projects. In order to cope with this wave of changes in the mobile phone software industry, it is expected that the industry will need a large number of Android mobile application development talents. Taiwan's embedded industry is very familiar with hardware, BIOS and Linux Drivers, but is very unfamiliar with the Android framework. Therefore, the goal of this course is to connect students' familiar "hardware, BIOS and Linux" to the still unfamiliar "Android framework". The focus is on: 1. Using development tools such as Eclipse and emulators to allow students to quickly become familiar with it. Use of relevant development tools. 2. Introduce the basic knowledge and architecture of the Android platform and help students understand the basic operating principles. 3. Through practical operation, students can understand the concepts of Android platform applications and gradually become familiar with the design of Android platform user interface and applications. 4. Understand the internal mechanism of the Android framework, write Android underlying system services (System-level services), develop shared modules (i.e. .SO), and provide an environment for students to implement application development.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Programming Embedded Systems: With C and GNU Development Tools, 2nd Edition
by Michael Barr, Anthony Massa, O’REILLY, 2006

2. Beginning Android 4 Application Development
by Wei-Meng Lee, John Wiley & Sons, 2012
1. Programming Embedded Systems: With C and GNU Development Tools, 2nd Edition
by Michael Barr, Anthony Massa, O’REILLY, 2006

2. Beginning Android 4 Application Development
by Wei-Meng Lee, John Wiley & Sons, 2012

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
normal grades
Homework results
midterm exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[ST436]
授課教師 Teacher:劉榮春
修課班級 Class:資工系3,4
選課備註 Memo:資電組分組選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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