course information of 102 - 02 | 0977 Toyota Production System(豐田式生產體系)

Taught In English0977 - 豐田式生產體系 Toyota Production System

教育目標 Course Target

以豐田式生產體系(TPS)為主軸的企業改造活動或精實系統變革,已成為世界製造管理的主流。本課程以劉仁傑老師過去20年在日本、台灣、大陸和亞洲各國的理論性研究和實踐性成果為基礎,內容包括精編講義12章,並將配合10卷錄影帶。Corporate transformation activities or lean system reforms with the Toyota Production System (TPS) as the main axis have become the mainstream of manufacturing management in the world. This course is based on Mr. Liu Renjie’s theoretical research and practical results in Japan, Taiwan, Mainland China and Asian countries over the past 20 years. The course includes 12 chapters of carefully compiled lecture notes and will be accompanied by 10 videos.

課程概述 Course Description

This course is based on Mr. Liu Renjie’s theoretical and practical research results in Japan, Taiwan, Mainland China and Asian countries over the past 15 years. It includes 12 chapters of carefully compiled lecture notes and will be accompanied by 10 videos to teach the Toyota Production System ( TPS) as the main axis of enterprise transformation activities or lean system reform. In addition to the lecture content, students are required to study any Toyota Production-related works to deepen their learning effect. At the same time, we will cooperate with enterprises to carry out eight working days of implementation, and plan to submit an enterprise study results report at the end of the period.

參考書目 Reference Books


附件:2010 年6月底 專訪 劉仁傑老師

劉教授表示:東海大學工工系在每年下學期3至6月時,為大學部同學開授 TPS課程,學生須同時分組到合作企業,與幹部一起解決一個主題,報告占學業成績的40%。他十分感謝產業界的持續支持,同時強調:「TPS課程目標是讓受過IE基礎教育的學生,進一步具備現場改善能力,必須靠企業的共同合作。」

工商時報2010年7月2日 D4/經營知識版

《理論與實作》工廠教室 新型產學合作 東海工工系規畫TPS課程,讓企業用製造現場與大學教室聯手培育專業人才。
東海大學工工系在每年下學期3至6月時,會為大三、大四同學開授 TPS(豐田生產體系)課程,學生須同時分組到合作企業,與幹部一起解決一個主題,報告占學業成績的40%。
今年到準力機械的學生,則是目睹接受急單的凌亂現場。準力機械用平面模床的技術開發出4軸鑽孔機,取代全球公認最好的發那科( Fanuc)產品,因而獲得鴻海科技大量訂單。此舉讓學生了解到改變 C咖製造流程,能夠讓台灣企業兼具速度與彈性。

Liu Renjie, Wu Maochi, 2012, Lean transformation of machine tool industry, Zhongwei Development Center.

Attachment: Exclusive interview with Teacher Liu Renjie at the end of June 2010

Business Times: This department’s TPS course combines theory and practice
This department has taught TPS (Toyota Production System, Lean Production System) courses since 1992, and cooperates with central companies every year. It is considered to be a new type of industry-university cooperation that combines theory and practice and uses factories as classrooms. Recently, the Industrial and Commercial Times specially invited Professor Liu Renjie, who teaches this course, to give his own account (attached) and disclose the secrets of the course, which has aroused heated discussions from all walks of life.
It is reported that the partners of the TPS course that just ended this year include (in order) 8 companies including AUO Cell Factory, AUO Module Factory, Taiwen Precision, Jiaqiao Industrial, Jumao, Zhunli Machinery, Kaibo Precision Machinery, and Aiwei Technology. , including high-tech enterprises, traditional industries, and small and medium-sized machinery enterprises with Chinese and Taiwanese characteristics.
AU Optronics, which participated in this course for the first time, held a special in-factory press conference for the students to express its importance to the course. Associate President Zhang Jinxiang said in an email: "The performance of the students has made everyone in the meeting very fruitful. They are very well prepared. , the content is very solid, and the typhoon is also very stable. It is not easy to have such a performance in just a few months..." Although the words were very beautiful, it still made Teacher Liu Renjie who was actively involved in teaching feel gratified.
Professor Liu said: The Department of Engineering of Tunghai University offers TPS courses for undergraduate students from March to June in the second semester of each year. Students must be grouped into cooperative companies at the same time and work with cadres to solve a topic. The report accounts for 40% of their academic performance. . He was very grateful to the industry for their continued support, and emphasized: "The goal of the TPS course is to enable students who have received IE basic education to further equip themselves with on-site improvement capabilities, which must rely on the joint cooperation of enterprises."

Business Times July 2, 2010 D4/Business Knowledge Edition

"Theory and Practice" Factory Classroom New Industry-Academic Cooperation The Department of Engineering of Tokai Engineering plans TPS courses to allow companies to use manufacturing sites and university classrooms to jointly cultivate professional talents.
【Liu Renjie】
The Department of Engineering of Tunghai University teaches TPS (Toyota Production System) courses for junior and senior students from March to June in the second semester of each year. Students must be grouped into cooperative companies at the same time to solve a theme with cadres. The report accounts for 40% of academic performance.
This move aroused the interest of Su Jinhuo, general manager of the Zhongwei Development Center. Many industry players who inquired about the specific methods of this course found it difficult to believe that university students could serve decent beef in three months after visiting their factory once a week.
Last year, a group of classmates assisted Taichung Precision Machinery in improving the tool rest process and successfully connected assembly and processing. This year, Taichung Precision Machinery Deputy General Manager Qiu Shihua felt the importance of reform at the upstream tool holder parts factory, and took the initiative to invite a group of students to the tool holder parts processing cooperative factory Jumao to make improvements.
There are only 6 people in Jumao Company. Boss Lai was treated as a case by President Ma because of the ECFA debate and was considered to be the representative of Taiwan's small and medium-sized processing plants. The students in the Jumao group realized here that Taiwanese companies have world-renowned product technologies, but process changes have a long way to go, so they actively tried to make the processes coherent.
The students who came to Zhunli Machinery this year witnessed the messy scene of accepting urgent orders. Zhunli Machinery used the technology of the flat mold bed to develop a 4-axis drilling machine, replacing the globally recognized best Fanuc product, and thus received a large number of orders from Hon Hai Technology. This move allowed students to understand that changing the C-coffee manufacturing process can allow Taiwanese companies to achieve both speed and flexibility.
Another example is the three students who came to Leihu Technology for implementation. Since the concepts they brought were very different from the company's on-site production methods, after two weeks of shocking education, the manufacturing manager Huang Zhenzhang made a request: The first item that comes to the factory every week First, share the content of the class. The mutual excitement also produced a beautiful report card.
Taking a closer look at the 18 years since TPS started, there are new stories every year. Students who don't like studying find interest and become full of energy after practicing TPS. Graduating in 5 years is nothing new. Now, 10 years later, he has become the backbone of a small and medium-sized enterprise. He is responsible for the manufacturing management of a turnover of 200 million.
It was after I turned 50 that I became more aware of the words of Yoshio Ohno, a retired Huiguo industrial consultant. Ohno, who has been teaching TPS to Taiwanese companies and schools for a long time, said that he enjoys teaching young students the most because the potential is endless.
The practice of TPS enriches the material civilization and spiritual civilization of enterprise employees. Exploring the balance between production value and human nature management is not only the goal of manufacturing management, but also the goal of enterprise managers to improve themselves.
The Department of Engineering of Tokai Engineering designed the TPS course to allow companies to use manufacturing sites and university classrooms to jointly cultivate professional talents. The goal is to enable students who have received basic IE education to further possess on-site improvement capabilities. Relying on the joint cooperation between courses and enterprises, theory and practice are indispensable. (The author of this article is a professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Business Information, Tunghai University)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Special studies
midterm exam
final exam
Homework and daily results

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[E230]
授課教師 Teacher:劉仁傑
修課班級 Class:工工系3,4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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