course information of 102 - 02 | 0797 (專題:生物序列分析)

Taught In English0797 - 專題:生物序列分析

教育目標 Course Target

介紹實際應用在分子生物學上的各種生物序列分析方法。。學生並可實際體會,如圖論、機率、統計等各種數學模型與各種演算法,應用在分子生物學上的完整建模(modeling)過程。Introduces various biological sequence analysis methods that are actually used in molecular biology. . Students can actually experience various mathematical models and algorithms such as graph theory, probability, statistics, etc., and the complete modeling process applied in molecular biology.

課程概述 Course Description

何謂 “計算生物學” (或稱生物資訊學)? DNA由a,t,c,g 4個字母組合而成,如下例即為一串DNA序列(sequence): atgcactctt caatagtttt ggccaccgtg ctctttgtag cgattgcttc agcatcaaaa acgcgagagc tatgcatgaa atcgctcgag catgccaagg ttggcaccag caaggaggcg (習慣上,每10個字母寫成一小串,小串間以一“空白”隔開。此例計有120個字母,我們稱其長度為120) 人類DNA總長為30億,這30億個字母決定了一個人。1988年開始的人類基因計劃的主要目的,就是將這30億個字母寫出來。而這些字母是如何運作的,則有待進一步了解。這些隱藏於字母中的生命秘密,我們稱之為生物資訊(Biological information)。 DNA會製造出蛋白質,以營造活生生的生命。蛋白質由20個英文字母 (各代表一種氨基酸)組合而成,長度從數十至數百都有,如下例即為一條蛋白質序列: mhssivlatv lfvaiasask trelcmksle hakvgtskea kqdgidlykh mfehypamkk yfkhrenytp advqkdpffi kqgqnillac hvlcatyddr etfdayvgel marherdhvk 人類約有2萬條不同的蛋白質。這些蛋白質如何營造出生命,有待進一步了解。這些隱藏於字母中的秘密,也是所謂的生物資訊(Biological information)。 研究DNA如何運作及蛋白質如何營造生命, 也就是研究生物資訊(Biological information),是今日蓬勃發展的“生命科學”之目的。 所謂“生物序列”(Biological sequence),指的是DNA序列或蛋白質序列。 提出有效的生物序列分析方法(演算法或模型),以計算機為工具,挖掘隱藏在大量字母裡的生物資訊,我們稱之為“計算生物學”(Computational Biology),或稱之為“生物資訊學”(Bioinformatics)。
What is "computational biology" (or bioinformatics)? DNA is composed of 4 letters a, t, c, g. The following example is a sequence of DNA: atgcactctt caatagtttt ggccaccgtg ctctttgtag cgattgcttc agcatcaaaa acgcgagagc tatgcatgaa atcgctcgag catgccaagg ttggcaccag caaggaggcg (Customally, every 10 letters are written in a small string, separated by a "blank". In this example, there are 120 letters, we call the length 120) The total length of human DNA is 3 billion, these 30 Billions of letters determine a person. The main purpose of the Human Genome Project started in 1988 is to write these 3 billion letters. How these letters work remains to be understood. These secrets of life hidden in letters are called biological information. DNA makes proteins to create living life. Proteins are composed of 20 English letters (each representing an amino acid), with lengths ranging from tens to hundreds. The following example is a protein sequence: mhssivlatv lfvaiasask trelcmksle hakvgtskea kqdgidlykh mfehypamkk yfkhrenytp advqkdpffi kqgqnillac hvlcatyddr etfdayvgel marherdhvk Humans have about 2 Ten thousand different proteins. How these proteins create life remains to be understood. These secrets hidden in letters are also so-called biological information. Studying how DNA works and how proteins create life, that is, studying biological information, is the purpose of today's booming "life sciences." The so-called "biological sequence" refers to a DNA sequence or a protein sequence. Propose effective biological sequence analysis methods (algorithms or models), use computers as tools to mine biological information hidden in a large number of letters, we call it "Computational Biology" (Computational Biology), or "Biological Information" "Bioinformatics".

參考書目 Reference Books

An introduction to bioinformatics Algorithms
Neil C. Jones and Pavel A. Pevzner
2004, MIT

1. Algorithms on strings, trees, and sequences.
Dan Gusfield
1997, Cambridge

2. Biological Sequence Analysis
R. Durbin etc.
1998 Cambridge

3. Computers and intractability
Michael R. Garey and David S. Johnson
1979 W.H. Freeman and company

4. Bioinformatics for Biologists
Pavel A. Pevzner etc.
2011 Cambridge
An introduction to bioinformatics Algorithms
Neil C. Jones and Pavel A. Pevzner
2004, MIT

1. Algorithms on strings, trees, and sequences.
Dan Gusfield
1997, Cambridge

2. Biological Sequence Analysis
R. Durbin etc.
1998 Cambridge

3. Computers and intractability
Michael R. Garey and David S. Johnson
1979 W.H. Freeman and company

4. Bioinformatics for Biologists
Pavel A. Pevzner etc.
2011 Cambridge

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[ST527]
授課教師 Teacher:謝維華
修課班級 Class:應數系2,3,4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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