course information of 102 - 02 | 0264 Qing Taiwan Historical Materials Analysis(清代台灣史料解析)

Taught In English0264 - 清代台灣史料解析 Qing Taiwan Historical Materials Analysis

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的教學目標在促使學生認識清代臺灣的數種重要史料,並瞭解這些史料在歷史研究中的運用方式。在教學過程中,將帶領學生直接接觸、解讀各種不同性質的一手史料,提昇學生對一手史料的認識;並說明、討論各種史料可進行的研究方向與議題。透過此課程,可培養學生對於清代臺灣史料的解讀與運用能力,並瞭解這些史料對於社會文化史議題上的發展可能。The teaching goal of this course is to enable students to understand several important historical materials of Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty and to understand how these historical materials are used in historical research. During the teaching process, students will be led to directly contact and interpret various primary historical materials of different natures to enhance students' understanding of primary historical materials; and the possible research directions and issues for various historical materials will be explained and discussed. Through this course, students can develop their ability to interpret and use Taiwanese historical materials in the Qing Dynasty, and understand the development possibilities of these historical materials on social and cultural history issues.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 王世慶,《臺灣史料論文集(上、下冊)》,臺北:稻香,2004。
2. 林玉茹、李毓中,《戰後臺灣的歷史學研究1945-2000(第七冊):臺灣史》,臺北:行政院國家科學委員會,2004。
3. 莊吉發,《故宮檔案述要》,臺北:國立故宮博物院,1983。
4. 國立臺灣大學圖書館,〈「淡新檔案」簡介〉,國立臺灣大學圖書館網站,http://www.lib.ntu.edu.tw/CG/resources/Taiwan/taiwan_ds1.htm。
5. 「臺灣史檔案資源系統」,中央研究院臺灣史研究所檔案館,http://tais.ith.sinica.edu.tw/sinicafrsFront/index.jsp。
1. 王世慶,〈清代與日治的臺灣史料:以檔案為中心〉,收入王世慶,《臺灣史料論文集(上冊)》,臺北:稻香,2004,頁15-47。
2. 許雪姬,〈清代的臺灣檔案與史料〉,《近代中國》,139期(2000),頁83-91。
3. 吳學明、黃卓權編著,《古文書的解讀與研究(上、下冊)》,新竹:新竹縣政府文化局,2012。
4. 莊吉發總編輯,國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編輯,《故宮臺灣史料概述》,臺北:國立故宮博物院,1995。
5. 吳密察,〈「淡新檔案」的文書學介紹〉,http://subtpg.tpg.gov.tw/web-life/taiwan/9704/9704-03.htm。

1. 洪麗完,《臺灣中部平埔族群古文書研究與導讀:道卡斯族崩山八社與拍瀑拉族四社(上、下冊)》,臺中:臺中縣立文化中心,2002。
2. 劉澤民,《臺灣古文書常見字詞集》,南投:臺灣古文書學會,2007。
3. 李瑞源,〈從新港文書看16-19世紀的平埔族〉,《原住民族文獻》,行政院原住民族委員會原住民族文獻會網站,http://ihc.apc.gov.tw/Journals.php?pid=609&id=655。
4. 案本美緒,〈明清契約文書〉,收入滋賀秀三等著,王亞新、梁治平編,《明清時期的民事審判與民間契約》,北京:法律,1998,頁266-326。
5. 洪麗完、楊朝傑,〈從東螺社古文書看族群與區域研究〉,收於國史館臺灣文獻館逢、國立臺灣歷史博物館、南投縣政府文化局、甲大學歷史與文物管理研究所、臺灣古文書學會主編,《第五屆臺灣古文書與歷史研究學術研討會》,臺中:逢甲大學出版組,2011,頁17-99。

Unit 1: Introduction to courses and materials
1. Wang Shiqing, "Essays on Taiwan Historical Materials (Volume 1 and 2)", Taipei: Daoxiang, 2004.
2. Lin Yuru and Li Yuzhong, "Historical Research in Postwar Taiwan 1945-2000 (Volume 7): History of Taiwan", Taipei: National Science Council, Executive Yuan, 2004.
3. Zhuang Jifa, "Summary of the National Palace Museum Archives", Taipei: National Palace Museum, 1983.
4. National Taiwan University Library, "Introduction to "Taiwan Archives"", National Taiwan University Library website, http://www.lib.ntu.edu.tw/CG/resources/Taiwan/taiwan_ds1.htm.
5. "Taiwan History Archives Resource System", Archives of the Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, http://tais.ith.sinica.edu.tw/sinicafrsFront/index.jsp.
Unit 2: Overview and application of Taiwanese historical materials in the Qing Dynasty
1. Wang Shiqing, "Taiwan Historical Materials during the Qing Dynasty and Japanese Occupation: Taking Archives as the Center", included in Wang Shiqing, "Essays on Taiwan Historical Materials (Volume 1)", Taipei: Daoxiang, 2004, pp. 15-47.
2. Xu Xueji, "Taiwan Archives and Historical Materials in the Qing Dynasty", "Modern China", Issue 139 (2000), pp. 83-91.
3. Compiled by Wu Xueming and Huang Zhuoquan, "Interpretation and Research of Ancient Documents (Volume 1 and 2)", Hsinchu: Hsinchu County Government Cultural Bureau, 2012.
4. Zhuang Jifa, Chief Editor, Editor of the National Palace Museum Editorial Board, "Overview of Taiwan Historical Materials of the National Palace Museum", Taipei: National Palace Museum, 1995.
5. Wu Micha, "Chapterological Introduction to "Tanxin Archives"", http://subtpg.tpg.gov.tw/web-life/taiwan/9704/9704-03.htm.

Unit 3: Contract Documents (1) - Explanation and Research Application of Words
1. Hong Liwan, "Research and Introduction to the Ancient Documents of the Pingpu Ethnic Group in Central Taiwan: The Eight Bengshan Society of the Daokas Tribe and the Four Sovereign Society of the Paipula Tribe (Volume 1 and 2)", Taichung: Taichung County Cultural Center, 2002.
2. Liu Zemin, "Collection of Common Words in Taiwan Ancient Documents", Nantou: Taiwan Ancient Documents Society, 2007.
3. Li Ruiyuan, "Looking at the Pingpu Nationality from the 16th to the 19th Century from Xingang Documents", "Indigenous Ethnic Documents", website of the Aboriginal Ethnic Documentation Association of the Council on Aboriginal Ethnic Groups, Executive Yuan, http://ihc.apc.gov.tw /Journals.php?pid=609&id=655.
4. Casebook Mio, "Contract Documents of the Ming and Qing Dynasties", included in Shiga Hidezo et al., edited by Wang Yaxin and Liang Zhiping, "Civil Trials and Private Contracts in the Ming and Qing Dynasties", Beijing: Law, 1998, pp. 266-326.
5. Hong Liwan and Yang Chaojie, "Ethnic and Regional Studies from the Ancient Documents of Dongluo Society", collected in the Taiwan Archives of the National Museum of History, the National Taiwan Museum of History, the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Nantou County Government, and the Institute of History and Cultural Relics Management of University A , Chief Editor of the Taiwan Ancient Documents Society, "The Fifth Academic Symposium on Taiwan Ancient Documents and History Research", Taichung: Feng Chia University Publishing Group, 2011, pp. 17-99.

Other reference materials will be distributed in class.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
30 依出席與課堂參與討論加以評分
midterm exam
Final report
40 期末分組口頭報告並繳教書面報告

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/8,9,10[H216]
授課教師 Teacher:吳奇浩
修課班級 Class:歷史系 2,3,4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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