course information of 102 - 02 | 0244 History of Taiwan (II): Ching China(台灣史(下))

Taught In English0244 - 台灣史(下) History of Taiwan (II): Ching China

教育目標 Course Target

本課程主要目標在使學生對日治時期與戰後台灣歷史發展有系統性的認識,瞭解日治時期及戰後台灣歷史與社會的主要變遷,培養同學對日治時期及戰後台灣的基本認識,奠定研修台灣史進階課程之基礎。The main goal of this course is to enable students to have a systematic understanding of the historical development of Taiwan during the Japanese occupation period and post-war period, to understand the major changes in Taiwan's history and society during the Japanese occupation period and post-war period, and to cultivate students' basic knowledge of Taiwan during the Japanese occupation period and post-war period. Understand and lay the foundation for studying advanced courses in Taiwan history.

課程概述 Course Description

This course aims to teach the history of Taiwan from the Japanese colonial period to the post-war period, allowing students to understand the historical development process and characteristics of Taiwan, as well as the main factors affecting Taiwan's historical development, thereby cultivating the ability of historical thinking and critical thinking, and cultivating a deep concern for modern times. Social feelings and humanistic qualities.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 王詩琅編著,《日本殖民地體制下的台灣》,台北:眾文書局,1980。
2. 王政文,《台灣義勇隊:台灣抗日團體在大陸的活動(1937-1945)》,台北:五南台灣書房,2011。
3. 矢內原忠雄著,周憲文譯,《日本帝國主義下之台灣》,台北:帕米爾書店,1987。
4. 行政院研究二二八事件小組,《「二二八事件」研究報告》,台北:時報文化,1998。
5. 吳文星,《日據時期台灣社會領導階層之研究》,台北:正中書局,1992。
6. 呂紹理,《水螺響起:日治時期台灣社會的生活作息》,台北,遠流,1998。
7. 周婉窈,《日據時代的台灣議會設置請願運動》,台北:自立晚報,1989。
8. 周婉窈,《海行兮的年代:日本殖民統治末期台灣史論集》,台北:允晨,2002。
9. 林玉茹、李毓中編,《戰後台灣的歷史學研究1945-2000》,第七冊台灣史,台北:行政院國家科學委員會,2004。
10. 林繼文,《日本據台末期(1930-1945)戰爭動員體系之研究》,台北:稻香,1996。
11. 荊子馨,《成為「日本人」:殖民地台灣與認同政治》,台北:麥田,2006。
12. 涂照彥著,李明俊譯,《日本帝國主義下的台灣》,台北:人間,1992。
13. 張炎憲編,《台灣史論文精選(下)》,台北:玉山,1996。
14. 許極燉,《台灣近代發展史》,台北:前衛出版社,1996。
15. 陳翠蓮,《派系鬥爭與權謀政治:二二八悲劇的另一面相》,台北:時報文化,1995。
16. 黃秀政、張勝彥、吳文星,《台灣史》,台北:五南,2002。
17. 黃昭堂著,廖維智譯,《台灣民主國之研究》,台北:現代學術研究基金會,1993。
18. 鄭梓,《戰後台灣的接收與重建—台灣現代史研究論集》,台北:新化圖書,1994。
19. 賴澤涵、馬若孟、魏萼著,羅珞珈譯,《悲劇性的開端—台灣二二八事變》,台北:時報文化,1997。
20. 戴天昭著、李明峻譯,《台灣國際政治史》,台北:前衛,2002。
21. 台灣日日新報資料庫http://rrxintry.infolinker.com.tw/
22. 台灣日治時期統計資料庫http://tcsd.lib.ntu.edu.tw/
23. 台灣史資源檔案系統http://tais.ith.sinica.edu.tw/sinicafrsFront/index.jsp
24. 台灣研究網路化http://twstudy.iis.sinica.edu.tw/

1. Edited by Wang Shilang, "Taiwan under the Japanese Colonial System", Taipei: Public Publishing House, 1980.
2. Wang Zhengwen, "Taiwan Volunteer Team: Activities of Taiwanese Anti-Japanese Groups in Mainland China (1937-1945)", Taipei: Wunan Taiwan Study Room, 2011.
3. "Taiwan under Japanese Imperialism" by Tadao Yanaihara, translated by Zhou Xianwen, Taipei: Pamir Bookstore, 1987.
4. Executive Yuan Research Group on the 228 Incident, "Research Report on the 228 Incident", Taipei: Times Culture, 1998.
5. Wu Wenxing, "A Study of the Social Leadership in Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation Period", Taipei: Zhengzhong Book Company, 1992.
6. Lu Shaoli, "The Sound of the Water Conch: Life in Taiwanese Society during the Japanese Colonization", Taipei, Yuanliu, 1998.
7. Zhou Wanyao, "Petition Movement for the Establishment of Taiwan's Parliament during the Japanese Occupation Era", Taipei: Zili Evening News, 1989.
8. Zhou Wanyao, "The Age of the Sea: A Collection of Historical Essays on Taiwan at the End of Japanese Colonial Rule", Taipei: Yunchen, 2002.
9. Lin Yuru and Li Yuzhong, eds., "Historical Research in Postwar Taiwan 1945-2000", Volume 7, History of Taiwan, Taipei: National Science Council, Executive Yuan, 2004.
10. Lin Jiwen, "Research on the War Mobilization System in the Late Period of Japanese Occupation of Taiwan (1930-1945)", Taipei: Daoxiang, 1996.
11. Jing Zixin, "Becoming "Japanese": Colonial Taiwan and Identity Politics", Taipei: Maitian, 2006.
12. "Taiwan under Japanese Imperialism" written by Tu Zhaoyan and translated by Li Mingjun, Taipei: Human World, 1992.
13. Zhang Yanxian, ed., "Selected Essays on Taiwan History (Part 2)", Taipei: Yushan, 1996.
14. Xu Jidun, "Taiwan's Modern Development History", Taipei: Avant-garde Publishing House, 1996.
15. Chen Cuilian, "Factional Struggles and Machiavellian Politics: The Other Side of the 228 Tragedy", Taipei: Times Culture, 1995.
16. Huang Xiuzheng, Zhang Shengyan, and Wu Wenxing, "History of Taiwan", Taipei: Wunan, 2002.
17. Huang Zhaotang, translated by Liao Weizhi, "Research on the Democratic Republic of Taiwan", Taipei: Modern Academic Research Foundation, 1993.
18. Zheng Zi, "The Reception and Reconstruction of Postwar Taiwan—A Collection of Research Papers on Modern Taiwan History", Taipei: Xinhua Books, 1994.
19. Lai Zehan, Ma Ruomeng, and Wei E, translated by Luo Luojia, "The Tragic Beginning—Taiwan's February 28th Incident", Taipei: Times Culture, 1997.
20. Written by Dai Tianzhao and translated by Li Mingjun, "Taiwan International Political History", Taipei: Avantgarde, 2002.
21. Taiwan Daily News Database http://rrxintry.infolinker.com.tw/
22. Taiwan Statistical Database during Japanese Occupation http://tcsd.lib.ntu.edu.tw/
23. Taiwan Historical Resources Archive System http://tais.ith.sinica.edu.tw/sinicafrsFront/index.jsp
24. Taiwan Studies Online http://twstudy.iis.sinica.edu.tw/

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
出席成績 (20%)出席成績 (20%)
Attendance grade (20%)
10 依校務規定曠課六次達期末扣考標準
第一次考試 (20%)第一次考試 (20%)
First exam (20%)
第二次考試 (20%)第二次考試 (20%)
Second exam (20%)
期末考試 (30%)期末考試 (30%)
Final exam (30%)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,8[HT108]
授課教師 Teacher:王政文
修課班級 Class:歷史系2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部選課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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