course information of 102 - 02 | 0048 Selected Readings in Buddhist Literature(佛教文學選讀)

Taught In English0048 - 佛教文學選讀 Selected Readings in Buddhist Literature

教育目標 Course Target

印度佛教文獻中,不論是記載佛陀、菩薩及聲聞事蹟,或說理論述的寓言譬喻,都富含故事性與思想性,極具文學價值。東傳中土後,在義理和想像等方面,都對華夏文化產生影響,而中國佛教也在融通梵典的歷程下,宗派林立,開枝散葉,弘傳的文字篇章,以及僧俗佛徒的感思、實錄或玄想妙發,盡匯聚成文學長河。本課程試從漢譯佛經文學、佛門詩歌、禪宗偈頌、僧傳燈錄、靈驗果報故事、佛教題材思想的俗文學,與現代佛教文學等面向,導讀文本說明義趣,以期讓學生對佛教文學能有較全面而具體的了解,如此堪為觀照中國文學史的重要視角。Indian Buddhist literature, whether it records the deeds of the Buddha, Bodhisattvas and Shravakas, or the fables and parables expounded by theorists, is full of stories and thoughts, and is of great literary value. After spreading eastward to China, it had an impact on Chinese culture in terms of doctrine and imagination. Chinese Buddhism also integrated with the Sanskrit scriptures, and sects were established and spread. Texts and chapters were spread, as well as monks and lay Buddhists. His reflections, actual records or fantastic ideas are all gathered into a long river of literature. This course attempts to introduce the meaning and interest of the texts from the aspects of Chinese translation of Buddhist scripture literature, Buddhist poetry, Zen verses, monks' lantern records, stories of efficacious retribution, Buddhist themes and thoughts, and modern Buddhist literature, so as to enable students to have an understanding of Buddhist literature. Having a more comprehensive and specific understanding is an important perspective for observing the history of Chinese literature.

參考書目 Reference Books

關大眠(Damien Keown)著(2013):《佛學概論》(Buddhism)鄭柏銘譯。南京:譯林出版社。
普慧主編(2012):《中國佛教文學研究》。北京: 中華書局。
侯傳文(2004):《佛經的文學性解讀》。北京: 中華書局。
鄭師阿財(2010):《敦煌佛教靈驗記研究》。臺北: 新文豐出版社。
姚秦.鳩摩羅什譯:《妙法蓮華經》《日本大正新脩大藏經》卷九。臺北: 新文豐出版社。
姚秦.鳩摩羅什譯:《維摩詰所說經》《日本大正新脩大藏經》卷十四。臺北: 新文豐出版社。
元魏.吉迦夜與曇曜譯(2007):《雜寶藏經》舒佩實今譯。臺北: 博遠文化。
唐.寒山(2000):《寒山詩注》項楚校注。北京: 中華書局。
洪修平、張勇(2008):《禪偈百則》。北京: 中華書局。
Huang Chanhua, Lu Chen et al. (1988): "A Brief History and Sects of Buddhism". Taipei: Muduo Publishing House.
Damien Keown (2013): "Introduction to Buddhism" (Buddhism), translated by Zheng Baiming. Nanjing: Yilin Publishing House.
Sun Changwu (1989): "Buddhism and Chinese Literature". Taipei: Tung Hwa Book Company.
Jiadi Zheding (1993): "Chinese Buddhist Literature". Kaohsiung: Fo Guang Book Company.
Compiled by Hongxue (2006): "Chinese Chinese Buddhist Literature". Chengdu: Bashu Publishing House.
Editor-in-chief Pu Hui (2012): "Research on Chinese Buddhist Literature". Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company.
Hou Chuanwen (2004): "Literary Interpretation of Buddhist Scriptures". Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company.
Zheng Shiachai (2010): "Research on the Efficacy of Dunhuang Buddhism". Taipei: Xinwenfeng Publishing House.
Yao Qin. Kumarajiva's translation: Volume 9 of "The Lotus Sutra of Wonderful Dharma" and "Japanese Taisho Newly Revised Tripitaka". Taipei: Xinwenfeng Publishing House.
Yao Qin. Kumarajiva's translation: "The Sutra Said by Vimalakīrti" and "Japanese Taisho Newly Revised Tripitaka" Volume 14. Taipei: Xinwenfeng Publishing House.
Yuan and Wei. Translated by Jigaya and Tan Yao (2007): Shu Peishi's modern translation of "The Sutra of Miscellaneous Treasures". Taipei: Boyuan Culture.
Annotated translation by Gu Baotian (2004): "New Translation of the Classic of Hundreds of Parables". Taipei: Sanmin Bookstore.
Liang. Seng Jiao (1998): Translation of "The Biography of Liang Monk" by Lai Yonghai. Kaohsiung: Fo Guang Book Company.
Northern Song Dynasty. Daoyuan (1996): "Jingde Chuan Leng Lu" translated by Zhang Hua. Kaohsiung: Fo Guang Book Company.
Northern Song Dynasty. Keqin (1997): "Biyanlu" translated by Ren Zefeng. Kaohsiung: Fo Guang Book Company.
Northern Wei Dynasty. Yang Xuanzhi (1994): "New Translation of Luoyang Jialan Ji" annotated by Liu Jiuzhou. Taipei: Sanmin Bookstore.
"Dunhuang Bianwen (3)" (1988). Taipei: Wenshu Publishing House.
Tang. Tang Lin (2008): An ordinary translation of "Ming Bao Ji". Tainan: Heyu Publishing House.
Tang. Hanshan (2000): Annotations of Hanshan's Poems, edited by Xiang Chu. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company.
"Quotations of Layman Pang" (1987). Kaohsiung: Cihui Sutra Printing Office.
clear. Pu Songling (1991): "The Liaozhai Zhiyihui School Annotation and Commentary Edition" edited by Zhang Youhe. Taipei: Liren Book Company.
"Drunken Bodhi (Biography of Zen Master Jidian)" (2000). Taipei: Farr Publishing House.
Xida Wuchen Zhiren, compiled by Zhu Kaitai (2008): "The Complete Biography of Guanyin in the South China Sea: The Legend of Bodhidharma's Origin" edited by Shen Chuanfeng. Taipei: Sanmin Bookstore.
Hong Xiuping and Zhang Yong (2008): "One Hundred Principles of Zen Verses". Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company.
Compiled by Master Hongyi (2003): "Collection of Nursing Paintings". Taichung: Qinglian Publishing House.
Chen Huijian (1981): "The Biography of Master Hongyi". Taipei: Dongda Book Company.
Lin Qingxuan (1985): "Lost Cloud". Taipei: Jiuge Publishing House.
Qi Ru (2003): "Ningfeng Tianxia". Taipei: Baosheng International Culture Corporation.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Group report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/5,6,7[H309]
授課教師 Teacher:李皇誼
修課班級 Class:中文系3
選課備註 Memo:日中文三優先
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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