course information of 103 - 1 | 7014 (高齡者友善設施與居家環境規劃)

Taught In English7014 - 高齡者友善設施與居家環境規劃

教育目標 Course Target

1. 建立學生對高齡社會了解之基本觀念。 2. 促使學生了解高齡者之體能變化與生活行為模式。、 3. 促使學生了解高齡者各種居住安排與照顧方式。 4. 培養同學對於高齡者「在地老化」所涉及的居家、社區、都市不同尺度之適宜生活環境之規劃、設計之技能。1. Establish students’ basic concepts of understanding the aging society. 2. Promote students to understand the physical changes and life behavior patterns of the elderly. , 3. Promote students to understand various living arrangements and care methods for the elderly. 4. Cultivate students’ skills in planning and designing suitable living environments at different scales in homes, communities, and cities that are involved in “aging in place” for the elderly.

參考書目 Reference Books

林玉子 著,曾思瑜 陳正雄 林真如 譯,2004,《40歲開始打造舒適的家》。台北:田園城市文化。
林玉子 著,曾思瑜 譯,1997,《經營一輩子的家》。台北:胡氏圖書。
胡仁祿 馬光,1995,《老年居住環境設計》。南京:東南大學
林其和 編,2011,《2011年高齡者健康生活新展望「台日高齡失智症社區照顧暨健康促進」研討會》研討會手冊,國立成功大學老年學研究所主辦
時代建築雜誌 編,2012,〈中國老年人居住和養老設施研究〉《時代建築》,第128期,中國大陸
Brewerton, Julie; Darton, David. (eds.) 1997 Designing Lifetime Homes. New York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Burnett, J. D. (1997). Healthcare design. In S. O. (Ed.), (pp.255-274). New York.
Marcus, C. C. & Barnes M. (1995). Gardens in healthcare facilities: Uses, therapeutic benefits, and design recommendations. Martinez, CA: The Center for Health Design.
Marcus, C. C. & Barnes, M. (1999), 江姿儀等譯,益康花園:理論與實務 (Healing Gardens: Therapeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations),台北:五南。
Nanami Suzuki,2013,《The Anthropology of Aging and Well-being-Searching for the Space and Time to Cultivate Life Togethre》,Senri Ethnological Studies
児玉桂子、足立啓、下垣光、潮谷有二 編,2003,《痴呆性高齡者が安心できるケァ環境づくり-實踐に役立つ環境評價と整備手法》,彰國社
児玉桂子 編,2008,《超高齡社會の福祉居住環境-暮らしを支える住宅•施設•まち&
Shen Xiancheng, 2003, "Research on the Historical Changes of Chronic Psychiatric Medical Facilities in Taiwan (1895-2000)". Taichung: Master's Degree, Department of Architecture, Tunghai University.
Written by Lin Yuzi, translated by Zeng Siyu, Chen Zhengxiong and Lin Zhenru, 2004, "Start Building a Comfortable Home at the Age of 40". Taipei: Garden City Culture.
Written by Lin Yuzi, translated by Zeng Siyu, 1997, "Managing a Lifelong Home". Taipei: Hu Books.
Hu Renlu and Ma Guang, 1995, "Residential Environment Design for the Elderly". Nanjing: Southeast University
Guo Enci and Wu Jieheng, 2006, "Respecting the old and promoting youth to late bloomers - Research and design of the living environment of the elderly". Hong Kong: User-Centered Design Laboratory, School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Chen Baizhong, 2008/6, "Research on Community Organizations Promoting Community Care for the Elderly—Taking Tainan Changrong Community as an Example." Tainan: Doctoral thesis, Institute of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University.
Zeng Siyu, 2001, "Notes on Japan's Welfare Space". Taipei: Garden City Culture.
Huang Zhuyin, 2005/7, "Analysis of the Living Environment of Elderly Community—Taking Taipei City South Airport Apartment Community as an Example". Taipei: Master's thesis, Institute of Architecture and Urban-Rural Affairs, National Taiwan University.
Zhao Wenhong, 1993/6, "Research on the living arrangement decision-making process and residential space issues of 37 home-based elderly cases in Taichung City". Taichung: Master's thesis, Institute of Architecture, Tunghai University.
Tsai Shu-ying, 2001/6, "A discussion on the living space and environmental experience of the elderly living at home in Taipei City". Taipei: PhD thesis, Institute of Architecture and Urban-Rural Affairs, National Taiwan University.
Xie Yinghui, 2005/1, "Research on the variability of lifelong housing in response to the physical and mental conditions of the elderly—taking Tuotiancuo as an example." Taipei: Master's thesis, Department of Architecture, Chung Yuan University.
Guan Huashan, 1996, "The Living Environment of the Elderly in Taiwan". Taipei: Garden City Culture.
Yu Yiting, (2007), Research on the relevance of therapeutic gardens to the outdoor space needs of urban middle-aged and elderly people at home, Master's thesis, Institute of Landscape Studies, Private Chinese Culture University, Taipei.
Li Dazhuang, 2007, "Research on the Sustainable Development and Variation Model of Hospital Architecture", PhD thesis of Engineering, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University
Elderly Welfare Promotion Alliance of the Republic of China, 2009, "Seminar on "Practical Sharing of Group Home Pilot Counseling Program"" Seminar Manual
Lin Qihe, ed., 2011, "2011 New Prospects for the Elderly's Healthy Life "Taiwan-Japan Community Care and Health Promotion for Elderly People with Dementia" Seminar" Seminar Handbook, sponsored by the Institute of Gerontology, National Cheng Kung University
Deng Shixiong, Liu Yiqian, Guan Huashan, etc., planned by the Catholic Church Foundation for the Elderly, 2011, "Integrated Care for Dementia", Taipei: Huateng Culture Co., Ltd.
Zeng Cihui, (1997), Research on the physiological and psychological responses of patients to differences in hospital landscape environment - taking Taichung City China Medical College and Zhongshan Affiliated Hospital as examples, Master's thesis, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Feng Chia University, Taichung.
Zheng Congrong and Li Jiabin, (1999), Research on the layout layout and nursing circulation of hospital wards, Master's thesis, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Feng Chia University, Taichung.
Editor of Times Architecture Magazine, 2012, "Research on Residential and Elderly Care Facilities for the Elderly in China" "Times Architecture", Issue 128, Mainland China
Brewerton, Julie; Darton, David. (eds.) 1997 Designing Lifetime Homes. New York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Burnett, J. D. (1997). Healthcare design. In S. O. (Ed.), (pp.255-274). New York.
Marcus, C. C. & Barnes M. (1995). Gardens in healthcare facilities: Uses, therapeutic benefits, and design recommendations. Martinez, CA: The Center for Health Design.
Marcus, C. C. & Barnes, M. (1999), translated by Jiang Ziyi et al., Healing Gardens: Therapeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations, Taipei: Wunan.
Nanami Suzuki, 2013, "The Anthropology of Aging and Well-being—Searching for the Space and Time to Cultivate Life Together", Senri Ethnological Studies
Keiko Odama, Kei Adachi, Mitsuki Shimogaki, and Ushiotani, 2003, "Safety of Dementia Elderly Persons' Environmental Assessment and Preparation Techniques", Akikokusha
Keiko Kodama, ed., 2008, "Welfare Living Environment for a Super-Aged Society - Houses and Facilities in a Super Aged Society"

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
daily performance
Results of data collection in the previous stage
Final investigation report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7[C214]
授課教師 Teacher:關華山/高迪理
修課班級 Class:共選3-博 (建築開)
選課備註 Memo:「高齡化社會與產業」跨科際課程計畫。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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